Time to up my game...or NOT

I have been on my journey for a month and a half and have lost a total 7 lbs but fluctuate 3-4 lbs up. I think I eat alright not trying to starve my family. I excercise 6 days a week rotating cardio and strength training. I look as though I have lost inches but the measuring tape says otherwise. Since I have lost only 7lbs and I would like to drop more quickly should I up my game and work out longer? I currently wkout 45 mins a day. I am thinking of pushing myself 1.5hrs in the morning and 1.5hrs in the evenings. Perhaps my body has adjusted to the 45 mins and needs the extra push. Any feedback is helpful. Thanks


  • cryscaulfld
    cryscaulfld Posts: 5 Member
    I'm in a very similar situation and have decided to up my game. I was just running with 2 very high strung dogs 4 days a week for about 2 miles. I've seen a few inches off but no real weight loss so I've added in some strength training and some high intensity workouts via Jillian Michael's DVDs.
  • swingsintherain
    swingsintherain Posts: 121 Member
    Maybe try different exercises, rather than increasing duration? Going from 45 minutes a day to 1.5 hours twice a day seems kind of extreme. Also, diet matters a lot more than exercise (it's waaay easier to overeat than it is to burn off those calories!!)
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    Fluctuations are normal. Do you track your sodium intake? A high sodium day can really mess with the weigh ins for a few days. Plus if it's been humid in your area like it's been around here lately, that doesn't help either.

    There is absolutely no need to workout for 3 hours a day... If you'd like to workout a little longer fine but overdoing it will likely take its toll on you. Instead of working longer, work harder. Push yourself! Not sure exactly what you're doing but say you walk on the treadmill - walk faster, bump up that incline, include some running intervals. If you already run, do intervals of slightly faster runs or use the incline. If you use the elliptical or bike, increase the resistance. Change up your strength routine - use higher weights or increase reps. Try new moves.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    are you planning on working ou tfor 3 hours a day for the rest of your life?

    i would stick to a more sustainable 45 minutes, and think quality not quantity, maybe mix up your routine, do some HIIT if you dont already?