What do you eat?!

beachpizza Posts: 18 Member
Hello! I've noticed that a lot of people keep their food diaries private and I'd love some new connects who share what they're eating!

I've been logging for 10 days straight and am really trying to find a routine that works for me. Last week I was very strict for 4 days, eating about 1000 calories a day in 3 meals and 2 snacks. Then I went away for the weekend and spiraled! I ate too much ice cream and drank beers. I logged everything, although I probably ate more ice cream than I added to my diary. It helped me realize that I need to make room for things that I love for this to work long term.

On Monday I decided to finally track down Halotop ice cream. If you haven't had it then get your butt to Whole Foods and buy a pint of every flavor! Now I still stick to my exact portions for breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snacks, but I have 1-2 cups of Halotop every night. I come in around 1300-1350 calories / day, depending on how much coffee I drink, the green veggies I eat, and the condiments I use.

I'm excited to see how this goes and would love for people to add me who share their food diary too!

For reference I'm a 29 year old woman living in the Boston area. I'm 5'7" and about 190lbs. I'd love to lose 40-50lbs in a healthy and sustainable way.




  • Gallowmere1984
    Gallowmere1984 Posts: 6,626 Member
    My diary is open to the public.
    Basically, I'll eat anything that had a pulse, at some point, or came from something that did.
  • beachpizza
    beachpizza Posts: 18 Member
    I'm not eating 1000 anymore! I eat 1300-1350 :)
  • singletrackmtbr
    singletrackmtbr Posts: 644 Member
    edited July 2016
    beachpizza wrote: »
    I'm not eating 1000 anymore! I eat 1300-1350 :)

    OK, just checking. I wasn't sure from your post. Even still, that might not be enough. I'd have to plug it in. Although you can lose 2# per week the general consensus is to avoid this unless you're trying to drop 100# or more.

    That said, if you can do it without significant hunger or other suffering, and you're getting your nutrients, then by all means go for it. But if you are making a lifestyle change, that means for life, so I would search out a sustainable plan and be patient!

  • singletrackmtbr
    singletrackmtbr Posts: 644 Member
    OK, I plugged your numbers into a TDEE calculator. I put you in as sedentary (which I always do for MFP because it will give you back exercise calories anyway). Note having a BF percentage will make the formula more accurate.

    For maintenance I got 1940 calories per day. So if you want to lose a pound a week you'd be at about 1440, so you really aren't that far off. Still, an extra 100 calories per day can go a long way!
  • beachpizza
    beachpizza Posts: 18 Member
    Thanks for doing that!! M-F I'm pretty sedentary because I work full time and also take a few online classes. On the weekends I will probably eat more to account for being more active. I love hiking and walking/running and being outside and movin around in general!
  • B4Rachael
    B4Rachael Posts: 155 Member
    edited July 2016
    I have an open food diary, I am 5'6" and I started my weight loss at 190 lbs. I am down 34 lbs to 155 and my goal weight is 135 lbs. Feel free to add me as a friend. :)
    Your calories sound like you are on track!
  • JeanLaw131
    JeanLaw131 Posts: 78 Member
    My diary is open, feel free to add me
  • Trish1c
    Trish1c Posts: 549 Member
    My diary is open but I get more "wrong" then right. I'm on a 1200 calorie per day plan. I rarely eat that little but I usually manage to eat under my maintenance calories which are around 1700. I have figured out that I need to eat 5x per day. So I eat breakfast, a mid morning snack, a late lunch, a mid-afternoon snack & dinner. Cutting back portion size has been a huge eye opener for me. Improving my nutrition has also helped. While a calorie is a calorie is a calorie, I tend to fell fuller & more satisfied longer on healthier choices. For example today's mid-afternoon snack was a juicy plum (probably too juicy to have eaten at my desk, lol)

    It's also about what you learn about yourself & what you do with that info.

    My first thing I learned was that I drank most of my calories -- soda, alcohol & fruit juice. I managed to eliminate the soda but the other two are staying. If this is supposed to be a lifestyle, I don't want a life without all of them once in a while.

    I also learned I am a more emotional eater then I thought. Yesterday I had to attend a wake. I came home so sad, I dived into the fudge. Yes, my bad for having it in the house but . . . Then I decided I wanted a glass of wine so I had one. I already knew I was over my calories & the minute I drank it I lost all motivation to move; the plan had been to walk at least 1 mile with my husband after dinner. Instead I counted my blessings that my weight was one of my most significant problems.

    I also learned that I eat when I'm bored. When I'm busy I either don't think about food or can easily shut down that inner voice that says "feed me."

    Finally water helps. Drink a glass of water before you eat especially if you are eating when you know you shouldn't be.
  • _dixiana_
    _dixiana_ Posts: 3,262 Member
    My diary is open to friends, feel free to add me. I eat pretty much the same stuff all the time so it's easier :smile:
  • NancyCaz61
    NancyCaz61 Posts: 136 Member
    My food diary is open to friends also...feel free to add me :)
  • ccrdragon
    ccrdragon Posts: 3,370 Member
    I eat what ever I want to eat as long as it fits my calorie goals - this includes pizza, cake, ice cream, chicken, cheese, pasta and everything else that I like. My diary is open if you would like to take a look.
  • Wickedfaery73
    Wickedfaery73 Posts: 184 Member
    Mine is public
  • smelliefeet
    smelliefeet Posts: 71 Member
    My diary is public now.

    I have an ingrained rule in my head that I say over and over every day: Don't put it in your mouth if it isn't coming directly off of your food scale!

    I weight everything to the gram, floz, ml, whatever... it's all exact, and every time I log it in MFP, I double-check that the entry is correct by google searching calories in that particular food.

    I never eat out, or eat prepackaged foods. I bring pre-weighed and pre-logged small tupperware containers of fruits and veggies with me when I leave the house. I weigh every fluid ounce of alcohol and juice I consume. I have learned through years of trial and error that being precise is the only way I'm going to succeed.
  • ckwilson254
    ckwilson254 Posts: 40 Member
    I sent you a friend request. My diary is open. Anyone else that wants to add me feel free. I like having friends.
  • xvolution
    xvolution Posts: 721 Member
    I usually eat what I want, but adjust quantities to fit into my caloric and macro needs. My diary is open if you want to check it out.
  • bwe4life
    bwe4life Posts: 9 Member
    My diary is open to view, but just FYI I'm a guy that's trying to maintain muscle mass while slimming down the waist. And of course feel free to add me :)
  • sianlr87
    sianlr87 Posts: 72 Member
    Feel free to PM me, I'm 5'7" and currently around 168 and my goal weight is 147. On the other side of the pond :smile:
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    Protein and veg, nuts and seeds, avocados, berries... whole foods by and large.
  • RoxieDawn
    RoxieDawn Posts: 15,488 Member
    My diary is open to friends only. I am sort weird about strangers who are not my friends list snooping around my diary and moreover looking at my notes I put on it. My friends on here, know what I am up to and/or goals I am working towards..