Starbucks hack

lonnieart Posts: 24 Member
I can't stand the taste of artificial sugar or non-creamy coffees.

While the fat/sugar content will certainly be different, here's my low-cal alternative to a "skinny mocha" (nonfat milk with sugar-free chocolate):

Mistos. Now if you need your espresso, this option isn't for you, but I definitely don't. I don't even do this for the calorie aspect - it's a lot cheaper (and not as bitter, which can happen if the baristas aren't paying attention).

A misto, if you don't know, is half coffee, half steamed milk (2% is standard). Because you have no espresso, it's cheaper than a latte, and because the coffee takes up a lot of room, there's less milk as well.

Grande misto + 4 pumps regular mocha: 130 Calories

Grande skinny mocha (includes 4 pumps): 140 Calories.

You can substitute in the skinny mocha sauce and skim milk, and the calorie, fat, etc will go down even more.

But basically, my tip is: mistos. Forever mistos. They're in the $3-something rather than $5 range.


  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    Tip: get the cold brew or else ask for non-sweetened iced coffee. The regular iced is pre sweetened, which is weird and enraging, since I think sweet coffee is disgusting and undrinkable.

    Better tip: get cold brew at Peet's (or probably many other places) instead, as it is tastier.
  • Alluminati
    Alluminati Posts: 6,208 Member
    Tip: Go to Dunkin Donuts

    I kid. I love me some iced lattes from Starbucks.
  • thatdesertgirl777
    thatdesertgirl777 Posts: 269 Member
    Alluminati wrote: »
    Tip: Go to Dunkin Donuts

    I kid. I love me some iced lattes from Starbucks.

    I was seriously going to say GROSS. Glad you're kidding!
  • cappri
    cappri Posts: 1,089 Member
    lemurcat12 wrote: »
    Tip: get the cold brew or else ask for non-sweetened iced coffee. The regular iced is pre sweetened, which is weird and enraging, since I think sweet coffee is disgusting and undrinkable.

    The fact that I have to specify unsweetened for any of the drinks doe irritate me. Not enough to stop me from going to Starbucks, but I do find it annoying.

    My go to drinks right now are a tall Americano or a venti unsweetened iced Green Tea.

  • lynn_glenmont
    lynn_glenmont Posts: 10,022 Member
    lemurcat12 wrote: »
    Tip: get the cold brew or else ask for non-sweetened iced coffee. The regular iced is pre sweetened, which is weird and enraging, since I think sweet coffee is disgusting and undrinkable.

    Better tip: get cold brew at Peet's (or probably many other places) instead, as it is tastier.

    You obviously are a cat of civilized and refined tastes.

    I've had to start asking for the cold brew without added water or sweetener at Starbucks, as they seem to be increasing the amount of water they add when they serve it, until it's water-y *camel-ambrosia* and I figure I may as well emphasize that I don't want sweetener at the same time. To be fair, I have never had sweetener added even to the iced coffee at Starbucks by mistake -- they don't assume and always ask. Unlike McDonalds--I actually like McD's iced coffee, but even when I tell the cashier "no sweetener, no syrup, not even plain syrup," better than 50% of the time I end up with sweetened coffee. When possible, I hover near the coffee station and try to guess when they're making mine to be sure the McD-arista knows not to put sweetener in. There is a button in the computer screen/cash register for them to push to tell the coffee person not to put sweetener in (I know b/c I've seen a passing shift-manager show the cashier), but it apparently is so seldom used that practically none of the cashiers know where it is.
  • MelaniaTrump
    MelaniaTrump Posts: 2,694 Member
    Save even more money and calories: Make at home and put it in a travel mug.

    The upside is you never, ever have to drink any of those horrible starbucks roasts.
    And save thousands of dollars a year.
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    lemurcat12 wrote: »
    Tip: get the cold brew or else ask for non-sweetened iced coffee. The regular iced is pre sweetened, which is weird and enraging, since I think sweet coffee is disgusting and undrinkable.

    Better tip: get cold brew at Peet's (or probably many other places) instead, as it is tastier.

    You obviously are a cat of civilized and refined tastes.

    I've had to start asking for the cold brew without added water or sweetener at Starbucks, as they seem to be increasing the amount of water they add when they serve it, until it's water-y *camel-ambrosia* and I figure I may as well emphasize that I don't want sweetener at the same time. To be fair, I have never had sweetener added even to the iced coffee at Starbucks by mistake -- they don't assume and always ask.

    I think it's a change of policy this year, at least where I am. Last year I know I got iced coffee and they asked if I wanted anything in it, so I was shocked when I ordered one (to save money, since I noticed it was cheaper than the cold brew) and they just gave it to me sweetened. In fact, this happened twice, since the first time it was in a context where I think they could have gotten my order mixed up with someone else's, but after the second time I asked and was told the default for the iced coffee is sweetened. So weird. Reminded me of when I was in a business meeting in Mississippi and they brought in iced tea and made a big point of "oh, I know you all are from the north, so we brought unsweet tea." They were right -- I do assume the default is unsweetened and they don't down there.
  • lynn_glenmont
    lynn_glenmont Posts: 10,022 Member
    lemurcat12 wrote: »
    lemurcat12 wrote: »
    Tip: get the cold brew or else ask for non-sweetened iced coffee. The regular iced is pre sweetened, which is weird and enraging, since I think sweet coffee is disgusting and undrinkable.

    Better tip: get cold brew at Peet's (or probably many other places) instead, as it is tastier.

    You obviously are a cat of civilized and refined tastes.

    I've had to start asking for the cold brew without added water or sweetener at Starbucks, as they seem to be increasing the amount of water they add when they serve it, until it's water-y *camel-ambrosia* and I figure I may as well emphasize that I don't want sweetener at the same time. To be fair, I have never had sweetener added even to the iced coffee at Starbucks by mistake -- they don't assume and always ask.

    I think it's a change of policy this year, at least where I am. Last year I know I got iced coffee and they asked if I wanted anything in it, so I was shocked when I ordered one (to save money, since I noticed it was cheaper than the cold brew) and they just gave it to me sweetened. In fact, this happened twice, since the first time it was in a context where I think they could have gotten my order mixed up with someone else's, but after the second time I asked and was told the default for the iced coffee is sweetened. So weird. Reminded me of when I was in a business meeting in Mississippi and they brought in iced tea and made a big point of "oh, I know you all are from the north, so we brought unsweet tea." They were right -- I do assume the default is unsweetened and they don't down there.

    Have you tried iced Americanos? Same price as the iced coffee, but to me it has more coffee flavor -- especially if you have them leave room for milk/cream (even if you're not adding it), which means they don't add as much water. I pretty much only get cold brew and espresso-based drinks at Starbucks, as the regular coffee tastes over-roasted to me--which is weird, because I often buy their beans or ground coffee to have at home, and it doesn't taste over-roasted.
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    I haven't, didn't even realize they existed. Since I enjoy Americanos, I really should. Their cold brew is okay, but I'm drinking a Peet's cold brew at the moment, and like this one so much more.

    Starbucks coffee tastes over-roasted to me too.
  • berolcolour
    berolcolour Posts: 140 Member
    lemurcat12 wrote: »
    lemurcat12 wrote: »
    Tip: get the cold brew or else ask for non-sweetened iced coffee. The regular iced is pre sweetened, which is weird and enraging, since I think sweet coffee is disgusting and undrinkable.

    Better tip: get cold brew at Peet's (or probably many other places) instead, as it is tastier.

    You obviously are a cat of civilized and refined tastes.

    I've had to start asking for the cold brew without added water or sweetener at Starbucks, as they seem to be increasing the amount of water they add when they serve it, until it's water-y *camel-ambrosia* and I figure I may as well emphasize that I don't want sweetener at the same time. To be fair, I have never had sweetener added even to the iced coffee at Starbucks by mistake -- they don't assume and always ask.

    I think it's a change of policy this year, at least where I am. Last year I know I got iced coffee and they asked if I wanted anything in it, so I was shocked when I ordered one (to save money, since I noticed it was cheaper than the cold brew) and they just gave it to me sweetened. In fact, this happened twice, since the first time it was in a context where I think they could have gotten my order mixed up with someone else's, but after the second time I asked and was told the default for the iced coffee is sweetened. So weird. Reminded me of when I was in a business meeting in Mississippi and they brought in iced tea and made a big point of "oh, I know you all are from the north, so we brought unsweet tea." They were right -- I do assume the default is unsweetened and they don't down there.

    Noooooo! I always ask for iced coffee and assume it's unsweetened. I know other places ask if I want sugar syrup - just thought Starbucks assumed I wouldn't want anything added I didn't ask for. I'll make sure to check as I haven't been counting the syrup :s
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    Could be just here, which will make me even grumpier about it!
  • janejellyroll
    janejellyroll Posts: 25,763 Member
    lemurcat12 wrote: »
    I haven't, didn't even realize they existed. Since I enjoy Americanos, I really should. Their cold brew is okay, but I'm drinking a Peet's cold brew at the moment, and like this one so much more.

    Starbucks coffee tastes over-roasted to me too.

    Starbucks tastes over-roasted to me too, but when they're the only option available I often have the iced Americano and it's not bad.
  • dragon_girl26
    dragon_girl26 Posts: 2,187 Member
    edited July 2016
    lemurcat12 wrote: »
    I haven't, didn't even realize they existed. Since I enjoy Americanos, I really should. Their cold brew is okay, but I'm drinking a Peet's cold brew at the moment, and like this one so much more.

    Starbucks coffee tastes over-roasted to me too.

    Starbucks tastes over-roasted to me too, but when they're the only option available I often have the iced Americano and it's not bad.

    Same here. I wish there were other coffee house choices around here. Yeah, it's cheaper to make coffee at home, but I like a treat every once in awhile, and Charbucks just doesn't quite do it.
    Although, their blonde roasts don't seem to have the burnt taste quite as bad...
  • lynn_glenmont
    lynn_glenmont Posts: 10,022 Member
    lemurcat12 wrote: »
    lemurcat12 wrote: »
    Tip: get the cold brew or else ask for non-sweetened iced coffee. The regular iced is pre sweetened, which is weird and enraging, since I think sweet coffee is disgusting and undrinkable.

    Better tip: get cold brew at Peet's (or probably many other places) instead, as it is tastier.

    You obviously are a cat of civilized and refined tastes.

    I've had to start asking for the cold brew without added water or sweetener at Starbucks, as they seem to be increasing the amount of water they add when they serve it, until it's water-y *camel-ambrosia* and I figure I may as well emphasize that I don't want sweetener at the same time. To be fair, I have never had sweetener added even to the iced coffee at Starbucks by mistake -- they don't assume and always ask.

    I think it's a change of policy this year, at least where I am. Last year I know I got iced coffee and they asked if I wanted anything in it, so I was shocked when I ordered one (to save money, since I noticed it was cheaper than the cold brew) and they just gave it to me sweetened. In fact, this happened twice, since the first time it was in a context where I think they could have gotten my order mixed up with someone else's, but after the second time I asked and was told the default for the iced coffee is sweetened. So weird. Reminded me of when I was in a business meeting in Mississippi and they brought in iced tea and made a big point of "oh, I know you all are from the north, so we brought unsweet tea." They were right -- I do assume the default is unsweetened and they don't down there.

    Noooooo! I always ask for iced coffee and assume it's unsweetened. I know other places ask if I want sugar syrup - just thought Starbucks assumed I wouldn't want anything added I didn't ask for. I'll make sure to check as I haven't been counting the syrup :s

    ?? Can't you tell from the taste whether there is syrup in it? When some place puts syrup in mine (like McD's so frequently does), I know immediately from one sip.
  • fishshark
    fishshark Posts: 1,886 Member
    protip i make cold brew at home... easy and cheap.