My Super Obese life at 500lbs - Taking my life back 1 day at a time!

LovelessFool Posts: 109 Member
edited July 2016 in Introduce Yourself
Not sure exactly how to start this. It was hard enough to just say "Super Obese" but here goes...I'm normally a pretty private person and don't say much to anyone about my life. I'm a 42 year old male who was 511lbs 30 days ago, now I'm at 476 weighed Monday and was surprised by the number...typically avoid the scale being this size or maybe it's the scale avoiding me. Lol.

I've been a little heavy most of my life 230lbs out of High School at 6'1 and boy I thought I was fat then, but now at more than 2x that about heavy...I don't ever remember ordering a Siamese twin! I'm not really here to host a pity party but something about putting words to "virtual paper" I guess can be therapeutic or so they say. Who is the "They" remains to me seen, but it's what I've heard. Heh. So I thought why not...why not post something...My career is all out IT / Computers / Technology so why not use some of that to help.

Life being this big is pretty much what you would think. It sucks. Getting in an out of cars, getting up from a sitting position, taking baths/showers, walking 100 feet and feeling like you just did a 5k. Inheriting the name "bubba, big un', or other lovely acceptable public fat names one is called by friends without really meaning harm" Need I say more.

I have a huge journey ahead of me and being as private as I am I don't let a lot of people in. So I figured maybe I could talk to some here. I've seen others have amazing journeys and with the support of others and letting people in who understand what it is to be obese in the world today might just do some good for me. I consider myself to be a thinker, someone who can hold a good conversation, and despite how big I am today I do learn from my mistakes...even if it takes some time.

My goal is to be comfortable in my own skin, to not hurt all the time because of the massive amount of weight I have to deal with. I want to get a great nights sleep. I want to enjoy vacations and not dread them due to the "am I too fat" to do things. I want to feel like me again. I hit a wall and was so sick to my stomach I let me get this big. Not caring what, when, or how much I ate or how much I exercised made me this way, but that stopped 30 days ago. I made the decision to get my life back, to get me back, to take a vs food and say NOT TODAY FOOD. I am the warrior who will slay the Sloppy Joe Dragon...ok ok so maybe that's going to far..but I want me back and I hope this wasn't too long or too boring for anyone to read. I hope to make many friends here and to share anything I can and to learn from others where they can offer helpful advice. I've taken the first step to get out of this fat shell that's trapped me inside for far to long. Thanks for taking the time to listen to me ramble and good luck to all those who fight this battle each day.

Oh and I figured I would upload a photo of what I once looked like many years ago to help me keep motivated to really do this!



  • TMW45
    TMW45 Posts: 27 Member
    Good luck and may you have great success on your journey ! You have taken the first step by helping yourself, for you can't help those who won't help themselves.
  • cariduttry
    cariduttry Posts: 210 Member
    you can do it, and most people are here to offer support any way we can. this journey kind of sucks, but when we're here and healthy in 25 years, it'll be worth it!
  • LovelessFool
    LovelessFool Posts: 109 Member
    @cariduttry Amen to that. Before thinking I would live another 25 years really didn't seem feasible...I kind of just gave up and figured If I make it to 45 I'm probably lucky...I not sure what switch went off but it did and now I want those 25 years and heck if this fat suit is gonna rob me of them.
  • KareninLux
    KareninLux Posts: 1,413 Member
    You can do this! MFP offers a really great support network to help us all achieve our individual health/weight/fitness goals. Welcome to a great club and good luck on your journey.
  • JeffreyBurkhalter
    JeffreyBurkhalter Posts: 67 Member
    Good luck. There are plenty that were in your boat and through hard work and determination changed their lives. You can do it too.
  • LovelessFool
    LovelessFool Posts: 109 Member
    Thanks Karen and Jeff. I'm looking forward to the Journey...It's bound to be a long one but I'm here to fight it every day.
  • jvanessa89
    jvanessa89 Posts: 332 Member
    You can do this!!! Keep a positive attitude and keep striving every day and you'll reach your goals!
  • leajas1
    leajas1 Posts: 823 Member
    Best of luck to you, and congrats on your weight loss so far due to your hard work. I'm really happy for you that something "clicked." I remember when that happened to me and it's such a great feeling. Remember to have goals that aren't scale/number related, because sometimes we need those non weight related victories to get us through when the scale stops moving.
  • LovelessFool
    LovelessFool Posts: 109 Member
    I speak pretty real about things. I'm not always the cheerleader of the group but I've been told I'm an optimist. I know there will be those days that will just totally destroy me and have me not wanting to get out of bed but getting involved like this I think will help. I've never done it before..reached out to others or been a part of groups or had positive online friends to help encourage not discourage me so this is all new. I probably will kick myself for not doing this earlier. I've tried may diets, and I've tried to get my weight down many times before and I've had some luck...I was once at 311lbs when I was 30...boy I wish I could start at that point again...but I am where I am now and I've made a promise to myself I never want to go back.
  • mrsgoodwine
    mrsgoodwine Posts: 468 Member
    You are an inspiration! You got this!!
  • MarkusDarwath
    MarkusDarwath Posts: 393 Member
    Wish you good progress and perseverance in your journey! Since you're sharing, what are you doing? What is your end goal weight/body composition? Losing over a pound a day for a month is impressive. Don't let anyone who's not your doctor try to tell you you're dropping too fast. The "two pounds max per week" rule was never meant for those suffering morbid obesity.
    At the same time, be careful not to eat less than your body actually needs to function. In a case like yours, your calorie target likely should be no less than what it would take to maintain your goal weight.
  • LovelessFool
    LovelessFool Posts: 109 Member
    Also wanted to say thanks for the friend requests I'm sure I'll need all the help I can far it's been a low carb life for me and it's working..I'm not super nuts about doing 0 carbs but I would say I easily cut them in half and that's done wonders for me so far.
  • 2011rocket3touring
    2011rocket3touring Posts: 1,346 Member
    I'm you. Quite a bit lighter and a wee bit older.
    Turned 50 in March and tipped the scales at 239lbs. I was wondering how much bigger I was going to be before I had trouble wiping my bottom. Seriously.
    Been doing this for over 90 days, down 24lbs.
    I take it one day at a time. Focusing on changes I can sustain for life to avoid burning myself out.
    Remember a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.
  • leeshults
    leeshults Posts: 223 Member
    Good for you!! I loved reading about your journey...
  • sparklyglitterbomb
    sparklyglitterbomb Posts: 458 Member
    You've got this. Have faith in yourself and take it one day/hour/minute at a time :)
  • precious_cargo
    precious_cargo Posts: 33 Member
    It's going to be a long road, but one definitely worth taking. Good luck to you. I'm sending a friend request, hopefully you'll build a wonderful support system.
  • eIIekay
    eIIekay Posts: 164 Member
    Not boring, at all!!! Take your life deserve it. I can't wait to read about your success.