Cheap protein meals ?

Trying to figure out some low carb , protein filled meals that wont cost that much im ok with lchf but i broke the bank :(


  • sammyliftsandeats
    sammyliftsandeats Posts: 2,421 Member
    Tins of tuna
    Chicken thighs with skin on are cheaper than boneless skinless chicken breast.
    Shop sales - buy in bulk if you can and freeze the rest.
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 27,996 Member
    Raw whole chicken is a cheap way to get protein and you can use the bones to make soup stock. Pair it with your low carb veggies of choice. This time of year veggies are very cheap at the farm stands near me. To find one near you visit
  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    Protein is the most expensive of the macros no matter what, so don't overdo it if money is an issue. But there are eggs, beans and lentils (dried are cheapest), paired with grains, chicken, tuna. Fatty cuts of meat can be cheaper per gram of protein than leaner cuts, but check price (unit price) every time. Dairy also have protein. So do vegetables. Mix and match for meals. You want to get as much variety as possible. Look for sales and markdowns :D Buy in bulk ad freeze in portions.
  • LokiGrrl
    LokiGrrl Posts: 156 Member
    I agree with the eggs. I like ground beef, and my roommate loves to buy whatever steak is on sale. I bought some breakfast sausage this week, very tasty with zero carbs and actually cheaper per pound. Tuna is good too--one of the few things I don't cheap out on, always get the solid white albacore or yellowfin from a name brand. Chicken thighs with skin are a beautiful thing as is a whole roasted chicken (and the yummy stock too, which you can also freeze, either in ice cube trays or little freezer bags, however much you'll use at a time), but take more time than I have right now. I don't know where you are but avocados are crazy cheap in my area right now. Green olives are one of my favorites, high in fat and with a little protein (also a good way to replace sodium on LCHF). Black olives are also good like that, but I prefer the green ones. Roomie also buys fresh fish because she likes it, but I don't because I'm not too fond of it except for extremely specific kinds and also not too good at cooking it, LOL. Also I think broccoli has a fair amount of protein (I could be wrong about this) and it's cheap cheap cheap if you buy it frozen (fresh tastes better IMO, but when you need cheap, you need cheap!). Another savings trick my roommate likes is buying bacon ends and pieces rather than strips.

    Also have to echo buying meat ahead on sale and then packaging up single servings (or servings for however many you're cooking for) to freeze. The upfront cost can be a barrier, but then when you are short you can eat from the backstock (label them with dates to make sure you're rotating stock properly), and once you've been doing it for a while you'll have a variety of meat to choose from. Use the weekly sales flyer and try to go early on the first day, because people will buy up the really good deals fast (at least they do here, or maybe there are just lots of couponers and frugally minded folks with large families in my area).

    Right now while you're low on money, just buy what you need to get to the next paycheck. When you're flush, buy big (and don't forget freezer bags and Sharpies!). This is how I shop -- when it's my roommate's turn to shop I have to intercept her before she just throws all the huge packages of meat right into the freezer, LOL. I also go to the grocery store on a day when I don't have to work and I try to get the kitchen all snazzy and shined up (including cleaning out the fridge) so I can get right to the prep after putting away the perishables.

    A lot of people on the internets, when talking about keto, will go on about how you must eat ONLY organic grassfed free range heritage pink Himalayan everything imported from Japan/Ireland/the moons of Jupiter, which of course will be on the pricey side. While I agree in principle with a good deal of what they're saying (mostly about the treatment of food animals), you will not be a bad person or go out of keto or spontaneously combust or die of cancer on the spot if you just eat the regular stuff when you have to.
  • Annahbananas
    Annahbananas Posts: 284 Member
    mita271 wrote: »
    Trying to figure out some low carb , protein filled meals that wont cost that much im ok with lchf but i broke the bank :(


    Orgasm with every bite. Lol