Runners- why do I do this?



  • AmyRhubarb
    AmyRhubarb Posts: 6,890 Member
    You sound like a runner. :tongue:

    Every once in a great while, I hit the sweet spot while running ~ the aches are gone, my feet feel light, the rhythm and pace just carry me along. I keep going for that, but most of the time, it's a slog. Until it's over. I keep coming back to it, though. Running gets under your skin.
    Same. I can have 10 lousy runs (and yet never be sorry about any of them once I'm done), and one amazing run, and that one good one will carry me through and convince me that running is the most incredible thing. :tongue:

    But like I said, I've never regretted even the worst run - dragged myself out the door, too hot, too cold, didn't feel like, legs seemed to have forgotten how to move - whatever, still feel awesome by the time it's done.
  • bluflu2003
    bluflu2003 Posts: 12
    When I'm exercising I am sometimes able to get into a zone. When I'm in the zone everything else falls away. The only thing that matters is that I feel good and I am lost in thought. I am new to running so it doesn't happen a lot yet. If I get on the bike or strap on the roller blades I can get there pretty much every time.

    ^ this. Usually at the 3 or 4 mile mark I hit the 'zone'. The brain quiets and all thoughts leave (much like meditation). Just you and the run, the rhythm.

    Of course there are those days when running is a big challenge but I appreciate that it builds mental endurance - pushing yourself to keep going no matter how crappy you feel. I hate it at the time but that mental perseverance is a rewarding feeling.
  • RunnerElizabeth
    RunnerElizabeth Posts: 1,091 Member
    Run slower.

    Seriously, when I'm not enjoying my run while I'm doing it, if I slow my pace, the dread usually goes away.
  • chefkozmo
    chefkozmo Posts: 2 Member
    Funny I was reading some business about this exact topic and it rather well described why I run…well why I started at got to this point at least
  • blgerig
    blgerig Posts: 174 Member
    Sounds normal to me. I have done several half marathons (and am signed up for a couple races this fall). During my last race, I spent three miles telling myself if I finished fast enough I would never make myself run another race - haha! The feeling always passes and I jump back in :)