Having a down day...

Feeling a little down today. I hurt my hip yesterday while on my walk - the joint has a tendency to "pop" sometimes on the left, and normally nothing happens (it just feel weird for a moment), but this time it didn't quite pop back right, and I could tell I'd injured it a bit.

Woke up this morning, and the joint was crazy stiff. It feels better when I walk, but I feel like I should take it easy today because I pushed through my two walks yesterday (the pop happened near the beginning of the first) and that might have caused the stiffness.

It's just annoying. I didn't lose anything on the scale today, which under normal circumstances wouldn't really faze me, but combined with the stiffness, it just kind of got me down. I'm having an unfortunate bout of feeling fatter than I did when I was 30 lbs. heavier - I think it's because I'm so focused on my body, but...I dunno.

What do you think? Maybe I should take a short walk to work out the stiffness? It does feel a little bit better when I walk because it works the kinks out, but it does ache a bit when I'm standing. Maybe I can walk at the mall, and I am going grocery shopping tonight.


  • jlclabo
    jlclabo Posts: 588 Member
    i would probably try to walk it out a little and see how it does. also try some heat/cool alternating to help reduce any inflammation. also some ibuprofen. as for being down, i completely understand how you feel. i get that way sometimes and when i do i like to use Elliott Hulse grounding stretches and breathing to relax and it usually brings me back around... plus you woke up and are breathing yet one more day, thats always a plus... :)
  • A_Warrior_Princess
    A_Warrior_Princess Posts: 344 Member
    I was having a problem with my hips and I googled some stretches that I do after every walk/run and that has really seemed to help me. This was after I visited the chiropractor for several months and a physical therapist - neither of which helped me. Hope this can help you.
  • Pearsquared
    Pearsquared Posts: 1,656 Member
    i would probably try to walk it out a little and see how it does. also try some heat/cool alternating to help reduce any inflammation. also some ibuprofen. as for being down, i completely understand how you feel. i get that way sometimes and when i do i like to use Elliott Hulse grounding stretches and breathing to relax and it usually brings me back around... plus you woke up and are breathing yet one more day, thats always a plus... :)
    I will give that a try with lludeking's stretches - thank you. It is pretty minor, I think, so I think I'll still be able to walk to the Farmer's Market tomorrow, which is honestly the first thing that came to my mind when I stumbled out of bed this morning.