natural vitamins for depression



  • BodyzLanguage
    BodyzLanguage Posts: 200 Member
    edited August 2016
    @Sabine_Stroehm Who's the music gal? Where she be at?

    @willburton174 Man you're thorough lol. I salute your efforts pal. That was a good read.
  • VintageFeline
    VintageFeline Posts: 6,771 Member
    @elphie754 @BodyzLanguage @Sabine_Stroehm @VintageFeline @mbaker566
    Wow guys way to hijack this thread lol! How did this turn into a music debate!
    I kid I kid.

    VintageFeline just recommends being cautious when it comes to interacting with people. Which is fine, that has it's place. She'd make a good diplomat or politician (AND MAYBE SHE ACTUALLY IS ONE WHO KNOWS!! :smiley: )

    But it does have it's drawbacks!
    WARNING: Some May Find Following Content Offensive
    But srsly, living in that head-space all the time is like trying to restrict your diet to 100% only "healthy" things and then wondering why you're hating life. It seriously reduces your quality of life if your default mode is chronic political-correctness and being overly-considerate for fear of rejection. It IS a normal human fear and serves a purpose in keeping society debatably civilized, but like all things, requires that friggin' thing called balance (ugh what doesn't lol). Maintaining that facade is not a sustainable strategy though. Long-term use can cause resentment towards almost everyone whose emotions you work so hard to diligently protect, to grow and fester into a heaving pus-filled pile of inner-turmoil. That's when you might see people lash out (verbally, physically or emotionally), and try and unload their unprocessed pain onto others. Or they may just repress it and live in a state of inwardly-directed pessimism and self-loathing. Either way, they don't wanna take responsibility for what they've done to themselves internally in the name of avoiding rejection and (hopefully) gaining acceptance.
    I would know lol!

    Living an inauthentic life is one of the greatest causes of depression and anxiety. Whether you're in-authentically considerate or in-authentically confrontational and flagrant, you will suffer.

    PS Did you spot the irony in how VintageFeline and elphie754 are in fact doing what I prescribe, by voicing their opinions no matter how it may offend someone, and refusing to consider BodyzLanguage's feelings?! Isn't life just deliciously paradoxical and confusing!? Way to push yourself out that all-too safe Comfort Zone, Feline!
    And that brings me to another gigantic cause of depression: being unable to entertain the idea (even briefly!) that there are parts of our reality that shall forever remain a mystery and that life doesn't always make sense (and that that's OK!), and that it's a waste of your precious life-force trying to "figure it all out".

    Some of these ideas are lifted from The Way of the Peaceful Warrior by Dan Millman. This book should be among required reading for anyone struggling with their existence and are yearning, searching DYING for solutions.

    • depression (in all its wonderful forms) sucks
    • music rules and can ASSIST with treating depression
    • taste is subjective and not worth arguing over
    • some people like psych meds, some people like journaling, some people like vitamins, some people like cheese pizza, some people like diet/exercise and the help of a qualified counselor, and some people REALLY like heroin. whatever works for you just try stuff (as long it's sustainable!)
    • Reality and human existence is wacky and at times extremely difficult to navigate/cope with
    • read The Way of the Peaceful Warrior, and then read the next book your Quest leads you to, then the next.... then the next..... etc.

    PPS Sorry for the wall of text. Didn't realize I had this many words things in me lol.

    Wow, way to overthink a small comment about being cautious with pushing one's own faith onto others without knowing their beliefs. That was the start and end of my thought process. I'm not religious, lots of people aren't in modern society, I was merely expressing that. Politely I thought too. Telling someone their religion isn't necessarily everyone's religion and to consider this if making a suggestion based in their faith isn't inconsiderate. I wouldn't be in the least offended if someone told me they don't like cats/dogs if I suggested those as good companions. *shrugs*

    But sure, over-analyse me if it makes you happy. Hang around here long enough and you'll see I can be anything but diplomatic or tip toey.

    PS. I have a string of mental illness diagnoses, currently unmedicated and treating in my own way. I am also open to meds when required. So I think I have experience in this are, albeit my own anecdotal experience. So I'm not poo pooing natural solutions.

    So to drag this back to the OP. No harm in discussing natural alternatives with a doctor. PPD can be devastating and anything that can help mitigate its impact on what can and should be an amazing time as a new parent should be explored. But that is only my opinion.