Can You Gain Pounds Over Night?

Hmmmm I have read that if you eat bad food you can't gain actual pounds of fat over night. It is mostly just water weight. What if I ate McDonald's all day from morning to night and consumed 17,500 calories or more throughout the day. By eating maybe once every hour or two. Technically wouldn't that be 5 pounds of fat? Is it possible to gain that much fat over night? If so how long would it take to actually see this fat on my body since it happened in one day? I did not do this but I am just curious. Could this actually happen? I would think this would not be water weight.

I remember the guy who made Super Size Me did this but over a period of time just be eating Mcdonald's like three times a day. Well imagine all day every hour eating a Large French Fry, Big Mac, Chocolate Shake. Could a large amount of pounds appear on the body over night or within 48 hours?

Also, if I did gain that much weight within 48 hours and was actual fat, would it come off as fast as water weight?


  • BarackMeLikeAHurricane
    BarackMeLikeAHurricane Posts: 3,400 Member
    Are you capable of eating that many calories in one day? If so, you have a very bright future in the world of competitive eating.

    But to answer your question, yes. If you ate that many calories you'd gain a few pounds of fat. When people say that you won't gain pounds of fat overnight, their target audience is people that ate a few hundred calories over maintenance one day and saw the scale jump up 7lbs. That being said, if you ate 17,500 (over maintenance, not total) you'd gain 5lbs of fat as well as some water weight. You could weigh in 10-15lbs heavier for a few days.