weight watchers vs. counting calories


I am currently on weight watchers and it is getting expensive. Plus I am too busy to make all of my meetings. I want to give my fitness pal a try. Has anyone been on weight watchers, but has had better success with calorie counting?


  • LisaBrown23
    LisaBrown23 Posts: 83 Member
    im on it too, as well as fitbit
  • Ready2Rock206
    Ready2Rock206 Posts: 9,487 Member
    I don't like the new WW program. I am much more successful on MFP.
  • minniestar55
    minniestar55 Posts: 350 Member
    Did WW using ProPoints, reached goal weight & under about 4 years ago, maintained but weight started creeping up. Got tired of paying so tried MFP in tandem for a couple of months, did great. Ended WW subscription, it's MFP got me. Superb tool, easy to use.
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 28,053 Member
    I did WW in the 90s. Our meeting took place on my work campus, so that was convenient. I found knowing I was going to be weighed in public helpful. IMO, that's really the only thing WW has going for it over MFP, and if you can't make the meetings, that's out. You can get support here and MFP is free. I prefer getting actual calories and macros over points. I think WW served a purpose (making calorie counting easier) that is no longer necessary now that there are sites like MFP.
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    kshama2001 wrote: »
    I did WW in the 90s. Our meeting took place on my work campus, so that was convenient. I found knowing I was going to be weighed in public helpful. IMO, that's really the only thing WW has going for it over MFP, and if you can't make the meetings, that's out. You can get support here and MFP is free. I prefer getting actual calories and macros over points. I think WW served a purpose (making calorie counting easier) that is no longer necessary now that there are sites like MFP.

    That's how I think about it. I also dislike the idea that they decide what you should eat based on the points allotted and try to push you toward certain choices. To me, that's not respecting you or treating you like an adult. I want to eat a nutrient dense diet with lots of vegetables, and so I do, and it offends me that they think I wouldn't or couldn't make a good choice based on the actual calories and knowledge about diet and would have to be tricked into it by the point values assigned. I know not everyone reacts this way, but to me that would feel really demeaning and offensive, like I said, not being treated with respect as someone who has the capacity to make a good decision just based on the information at hand.
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 28,053 Member
    lemurcat12 wrote: »
    kshama2001 wrote: »
    I did WW in the 90s. Our meeting took place on my work campus, so that was convenient. I found knowing I was going to be weighed in public helpful. IMO, that's really the only thing WW has going for it over MFP, and if you can't make the meetings, that's out. You can get support here and MFP is free. I prefer getting actual calories and macros over points. I think WW served a purpose (making calorie counting easier) that is no longer necessary now that there are sites like MFP.

    That's how I think about it. I also dislike the idea that they decide what you should eat based on the points allotted and try to push you toward certain choices. To me, that's not respecting you or treating you like an adult. I want to eat a nutrient dense diet with lots of vegetables, and so I do, and it offends me that they think I wouldn't or couldn't make a good choice based on the actual calories and knowledge about diet and would have to be tricked into it by the point values assigned. I know not everyone reacts this way, but to me that would feel really demeaning and offensive, like I said, not being treated with respect as someone who has the capacity to make a good decision just based on the information at hand.

    Yes, this was exactly my experience in the 90s but I didn't mention it in the hopes that it had since changed. Probably not :(
  • lynne822
    lynne822 Posts: 10 Member
    I was on weight watchers and felt miserable once they changed the system and my foods I ate went up in points. I was hungry all the time and was miserable. I do not eat a lot of fruits but do eat vegetables. I stopped using weight watchers when i followed everything stayed in my points and even exercised and did not use those points and I starting gaining weight! Since I switched I do not pay the fee anymore and I am losing weight. My suggestion is to copy the recipes and then quit. It was what I did. Although I had to manually enter them in since they are not up-loadable as other sites.
  • charis2979
    charis2979 Posts: 38 Member
    I used WW about 13 years ago and was successful. At that time it was using the points system, which was based off of fiber, calories and fat I believe. Honestly, I think that MFP is basically the same thing. I've been actively using it for about almost 4 weeks and have successfully lost 10 lbs with MFP and exercise. So I think it's basically the same either way, except MFP is free (unless you purchase the premium).
  • newheavensearth
    newheavensearth Posts: 870 Member
    I've lost weight (total 70 lbs) on both WW and MFP. I'm double tracking on because MFP maintenance points on WW are too high. Also the new plan pushes too much animal protein and I just don't eat like that. I learned a lot of good food habits on WW, so the plan is worth something. But tomorrow I am going to a picnic and I can't survive that on 48 measly pts. But I can do it on 1200 plus an extra 600 or so exercise calories! Yay, MFP!
  • rachelr1116
    rachelr1116 Posts: 334 Member
    I did WW 5 years ago and lost 25 lbs. I just got tired of having to know the points for everything so I eventually just cancelled my membership. I've done better at sticking to MFP because it's a lot easier to find the calories for things than it was to find everything you need to calculate the points for it. I did like having the accountability of going to weigh in weekly and I did learn some things from the meetings but to me, it just wasn't worth the price of the membership.
  • BoosDimples
    BoosDimples Posts: 2,826 Member
    WW is what had me lose the bulk of my weight in the beginning. I still think it's a good program for those who need a simplified weight loss regime. However, I've learned bundles more here on MFP then I ever did on WW. Plus, this is free. Whichever works best for you, (in a healthy way),is the right choice.Good luck. :smile:
  • Kenda2427
    Kenda2427 Posts: 1,592 Member
    edited July 2016
    I have done WW on and off over the years, the last couple of times I made no progress. I have been on MFP for a few years and I like it. Plus is can pair up nicely with a FitBit or other activity tracker. And its free unless you go to the no ad premium version.
  • napilibay
    napilibay Posts: 121 Member
    I've done WW and love MFP so much more. There's so about their formula that doesn't work right. Some days I'd eat plenty of calories on MFP and WW would show I needed to eat more. Counting calories is much easier and MFP has every single food in the database whereas WW doesn't.