Losing weight with disabilities

Hello guys and girls, I'm looking for friends to motivate and support through the difficult journey of losing weight with disabilities ....
My story is very simple I was 7 st lighter 2 yrs ago and doing alot of weight training kickboxing etc but I was finding the recovery time longer and longer each session until eventually I was soo tired all the time I was struggling just to get up for work.... fast forward I was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia and cronic fatigue syndrome Oct 2014 and then with Degeneretive discs in March this year.
I'm unable to work (exercise is a major struggle but i try) as some days I cant even walk but I've made the desision to take my life and body back one step at a time no matter how long it takes me :D i have at least 10st to lose and due to my conditions I have been forwarded for weight loss surgery but with the conditions that I have to lose weight myself first and train the brain to eat right and avoid the self sabotage I was doing before....

I'm completely bonkers and love abit of banter, my picture should tell you everything you need to know about my charecter lol
I want non judgementel people to enjoy the good days with and support during the bad days we all have.
If you fit this then add me please male or female ...lots of weight to lose or just a little it makes no difference to me as we are on this journey together :smiley:

Thanks in advance
Susan :)


  • tjodale
    tjodale Posts: 3 Member
    Hi MissRed, I'll be glad to add you when I figure out how. It's my first time on this app.
  • chassp8pooh
    chassp8pooh Posts: 131 Member
    Sure. ..add me...or I'll send friend request... warning: I'm not quiet and I check on you if you haven't been logging in. I ask every one of my friends to post a non scale victory a week (something awesome that's happened or that you did that is not your weight loss like down a belt notch or did not give into a craving). NOTHING is too small. And if you are really serious about this an open food diary helps so much in keeping you accountable.
  • CrystalSmyers
    CrystalSmyers Posts: 1 Member
    I have the same issues along with autoimmune. Hopefully we can help motivate each other.
  • MissRed1979
    MissRed1979 Posts: 12 Member
    Sure. ..add me...or I'll send friend request... warning: I'm not quiet and I check on you if you haven't been logging in. I ask every one of my friends to post a non scale victory a week (something awesome that's happened or that you did that is not your weight loss like down a belt notch or did not give into a craving). NOTHING is too small. And if you are really serious about this an open food diary helps so much in keeping you accountable.

    Great stuff I need people like you to keep me motivated to keep logging on my bad pain days as I sometimes lose track
  • JoenDeb1958
    JoenDeb1958 Posts: 229 Member
    Add me!we can help each other