Vak upcoming....need help?

I'm leaving for camping in a week. Its 8 days long. I have literally just got down to my original goal weight and I am terrified to undo all my hard work. We eat well, not low cal/fat though and there are drinks daily. I will be running and doing some active things and watching portion control. But I do need to learn to enjoy life a little without feeling guilt. I think if I had lost this weight awhile ago I wouldn't be so terrified. How has Vak's workout for you in the end??? Did you find that having a week off reset your body and actually helped you lose in the end or did go horribly wrong. Let me know any tips/tricks. One good/bad thing for me, is that because I eat so clean alcohol makes me feel horrible, so drinks will be limited for me even though I really enjoy them at the time :(


  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    I've experienced the good, bad and in between with vacations.

    My first trip after starting the weight loss in 2010 was with some family in Virginia (Historic Triangle) and I was TERRIFIED! These were folks in my family who are in horrible health because of bad eating and lack of activity. But instead of just wallowing in the fear that I'd get sucked back into that mindset, I made a promise to myself and a plan. The place we were staying had a gym so I was going to get up at the crack of dawn every morning and workout for 30-60 minutes. As far as eating, I brought some snacks with me, bought some fresh fruit at the store and made the best choices I could at restaurants. My activity also included walking somewhere between 8 and 10 miles a day according to my pedometer. In the end, I lost 2 pounds!!

    The next year around that same time, I went to visit my Father in Florida. Unfortunately that was also around the same I was just trying to get back to tracking (had been doing WW, tried on my own for a while and failed, just joined MFP) and I wasn't fully dedicated yet. We ate pretty healthy during the day and got some walking and swimming in but it wasn't nearly enough to offset the evening indulgences of dinner food and drinks. I couldn't even tell you what my weight was when I got back but I'm sure I was up about 5 pounds.

    Last year I went on vacation with my best friends and decided I was going to do good again. Thankfully they're healthy eaters and active people so I knew it'd be pretty easy. I didn't go crazy with packing snacks but I did bring a few protein bars and oranges just in case I was hungry so I wouldn't be tempted with junk. We walked every morning, swam and made good eating choices. I did drink a bit but not to excess until the last night. In the end I gained a pound and it came off quickly as it was just water weight. My only problem that time was getting back into the normal routine after not tracking or having to plan my meals for a week.

    So I think your plan will work out pretty well. Have fun!
  • CyberEd312
    CyberEd312 Posts: 3,536 Member
    It is vacation and the last thing I want to do is worry the entire time I am trying to enjoy myself... So I take the week off, still get in my daily workouts (may be altered like last year we was on the Outer Banks and I hit the beach every morning for a sunrise walk up and down the beach) but as far as food goes I ate what I wanted (within moderation) and came back up on the scale. I got right back into my routine and within a couple weeks all evened out and I was no worse for wear and I enjoyed my vacation stress free..... Best of Luck