I'm tired of yo-yoing.

anicolem86 Posts: 16 Member

Title says it all. Last winter in preparation for my wedding, I slashed my calories to 1200 and I quickly dropped 20 lbs. I was following insanity and was getting physically quite strong. Since getting married in February I've been in full blown honeymoon phase and sadly have gained back 12 lbs of the 20 I lost, on top of still wanting to lose another 30.

I'm back now but starting with a daily goal of 1500 cals. I'm scared as it's built in my brain that 1200 is the magic number but I feel like it's too strict and why I kept failing/yo yoing and had such an incredibly challenging time getting in the mindset that I was ready to count cals again.

I'm also trying a combination of lifting weights and a combo of at home workouts (insanity, t25, etc) instead of trying to strictly follow one program to try to prevent boredom.

Anyone else been in my shoes and found success? I am one week in...If anyone else out there wants a workout accountability buddy add me. I've been snap chatting a screen shot of my fitbit workout summary to try to hold myself accountable.


  • Vegplotter
    Vegplotter Posts: 265 Member
    It's very difficult to try and diet during stressful times. And getting married is one of those delightful - yet stressful life changes. So you did well and you haven't put back all the weight. So look on the bright side.
    Whichever calorie level you choose (both are fine) I'd advise losing half your target weight loss, then gradually upping the calories adding back good quality protein, wholemeal/grain carbs and veg until you get to your target weight.
    The problem you had was probably due to charging from low calorie straight into full on eating. That's a hit too far for your metabolism, which can take up to six years to get back to normal after a diet.