Help plz

I starting counting calories before 10 days but this app telling me eat 1500 cal... I am eating 1200 or 1100 cal per day is any problem ?


  • paigeg150
    paigeg150 Posts: 27 Member
    Despite what others might say, I believe it's okay to have a low day here and there. Are you working out? Are you logging everything? (I found that I wasn't in the beginning, i.e. Creamer in my coffee, sunflower seeds on salad, condiments, etc and it adds up.) Short answer- you probably want to get closer to your set goal of 1500. Also, how aggressive is MFP set to (2lb/wk being the highest)? I'm set to most aggressive and have 1400 cals a day. But I have days I only hit 1100-1200 a day. And I've been consistently losing since April. If you're having trouble hitting your cals due to a busy schedule find things that are easy and make them readily available. For example, I boil eggs ahead of time and can always add an egg into my meal or snack or a serving of almonds or a kind bar.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    You've already posted this and people said you were under eating.