New and looking for some support and friends.

Hi, my name is Jerrianne and I currently reside in Tennessee. I've recently turned 18 (Just last month.) And I have always struggled tremendously with my weight. I was always known as the chubby kid that got bullied non-stop, and of course, as you grow up, that becomes something that tears you down. Since I was around 13, I began to starve myself and whatever else I could do, thinking it would help me lose the weight, but it never did. My biological parents never tried to help me out, and they never supported me in anyway, as they were drug addicts and basically, that is all they cared about. Long story short, I bounced from house to house and never took action with my weight because I was never in a situation to where I could. I finally got adopted into a family after being put into a group home, and there, I somewhat lost weight, but with the stresses of school and everything else I have been put through, I was of course stress eating. I now weight 278 pounds (8 less pounds than I did two months ago, woot woot!) and I've downloaded this app in hopes that it will help with my progress. I have cut out carbonated drinks (to the most part: occasional diet soda when I get sick of water.) and I have my calorie intake to as little as 1,800 calories. I have yet to find a good work out plan for me.. I have an eliptical (and to my avail, the calorie counter on it does not work.) And I get pretty bored doing that everyday. I also have a mile trail that I hike, but even with my doggie, that can get boring, too! So if you guys have any suggestions, I'm very down to take them into action. Also, there are no gyms around where I live (I live in the B.F.E.) and currently live on a ramen noodle budget, so that means I couldn't even afford a membership.
But like I said, I want to take on some advice from people that have been at my weight and have knocked it off without any extra help; just hard work and dedication.. And making friends wouldn't hurt too bad either!
Thank you for reading this if you have! It means tons!

- Jerrianne


  • Redrockinghood
    Redrockinghood Posts: 6 Member
    Hi there, add me as a friend if you wish. I'm in New Zealand..
  • _amjad93
    _amjad93 Posts: 87 Member
    Hi! Welcome to MFP family :smile:

    Put a few steps in your first journey and keep focused , having some patience that will help to arrive your goal.

    Feel free to add me.
  • Amrik10
    Amrik10 Posts: 93 Member
    Wow for such a young age you have not been helped by many. Don't worry on this app people will support you and your confidence and outlook on life will change. You can do this and show everyone how strong you are.
  • shalisa7
    shalisa7 Posts: 56 Member
    Feel free to add me
  • stinsjer000
    stinsjer000 Posts: 21 Member
    Hi there! I'm not very sure how to add, so if I don't, it's because of that. But thanks for all of the comments, I wouldn't think anyone would really pay attention. Means tons!
  • _amjad93
    _amjad93 Posts: 87 Member
    When you click on someone's name that you would add, it will be clear to you this window in the picture, then click again on the name of that person you'll see the add button it will be on the right i think.

    Hope that will help you!
  • Wizeman22
    Wizeman22 Posts: 552 Member
    Add me
  • mazarasltm
    mazarasltm Posts: 205 Member
    Add me. 275 to 215 lbs. Diet is good for maintainance. Exercise is good for Maintainance. Combine the two and you have weightloss. My blood werk was great on "Diet" but I never lost. I started calorie counting (MFP) and Daily Cardio. It took 1 year for 50 lbs. About 6 month to hit a stride (still struggle). Learn food and portions (weigh it), dont rush and hurt yourself. I gave up Donuts since January (now Im about 1 every 1-2 months). Most of time is 1/2 Donut. Most of my meals got cut in half to reach my per meal calorie goal. YOU CAN DO THIS. Im Forty One with 4 kids. The twins are 4 years old. Im highly motivated to keep good health for their sake (longevity). 1) My Food Diary is Open. 2) Im a fitbit person.
    Calorie counting and exercise allows guilt free cheating. That way Im not miserable all the time. (im eating pizza now and had 1 donut and 1 egg for breakfast, Im probably done-ish for food today- maybe in 6 hours I'll nibble <both items are rare in my diet> ) Too much ommission of Carbs, Vitamin Deficiency, Anemia can put you into clinical depression. Balance Intake (Carb, Fat and Protien). Rapid weight loss can lose muscle mass. Make sure you get 90 gram protien daily.
    What I do is follow the basic principle of Gastric Bypass Diet without the Surgery (which is portion control and 90 g protien).
    You do exercise to make body stay out of starvation mode. Weight loss is still starvation. Dont expect to be too happy. I dilute juices and have still diet drinks (fake sugar) with some real sugar: carbs (cant have body looking for sugar without real sugar).
    I watch shows (subscription) on treadmill and walk around niegborhood.
    A professor lost weight on a strict twinkie diet. The Total Cal intake is vitally important. Good Luck, You are in Control. Its just takes a while. Ask your doc if you need metformin.