Surviving Wedding season

This is the hardest season for me...cake, beer, wine, cider, appetizers, awkward social situations...any tips on surviving?


  • MsAmandaNJ
    MsAmandaNJ Posts: 1,248 Member
    Fill up on water and use self control around the apps - I know, easier said than done. I've found that I don't realize how much will power I have until it's tested. Take a few bites of the cake, don't deprive yourself, but remember that you don't need the whole piece. Can you bring a date to ease the awkward social situations?
  • wolverine66
    wolverine66 Posts: 3,779 Member
    a lot of wedding cake isn't all that special. I mean the decoration is usually nice, but, I've yet to meet a memorable tasting wedding cake, and that includes my own. so skip the cake. more beer and wine, makes the social situation at least SEEM less awkward. The appetizers are usually good. So I can't help there, but I did address 2 of the issues, so... i consider that a "win."
  • bemyyfriend0918
    bemyyfriend0918 Posts: 241 Member
    Wedding cake is never tasty, and neither is the food. For me its the tasty beverages haha. I just allow some freedom for those things, and if I have an event on Saturday, i'll eat super healthy in the week leading up to it so I don't feel as bad
  • ryansams2016
    ryansams2016 Posts: 118 Member
    edited August 2016