Why Im serious about my weight

Hi My name is Shoney,

I am tired of feeling lazy, sluggish, & unhappy because of my weight. My weight has taking over my life and the effect it has on me is unbelievable. It wasn't until this month when I realized how blotted I was. I went to step on the scale” I damn near lost my mind”. I went from 152 lbs. to a 164 lbs. in 3 months. I had always told myself I would never be obese and I did the total opposite. I have become this hateful, bitter, discussed person torse myself, where I believed everyone was against me because of how I look & feel. I saw myself recently taken a picture in the bathing suit and cried and crawled in the bed asking why is this happening to me!?!

I no longer want to be this person or friends with food I want to change the way I eat, think and sleep. I decided to change my eating habits and hope and pray I will not fall back into my old bad habits of depression. I try to convenience myself food not for pleasure it’s for energy. We have to dig deep and work hard for what we want for ourselves and not wait for other to help us because they are not the ones who got here. I am not expert but I will try my hardest to commit myself to a happier and healthier life style. I truly want to be happily in love with me and the only way I can do this is to encourage myself and stay committed to eating right... To the Higher Power above All Thanks for my strengths God.


  • Whipppets
    Whipppets Posts: 267
    At least you realize its probably time to eat right and exercise..
    Remember if it was easy everyone would do it and guess what you can do it
    with hard work and being committed.

    Wake up thinking how can I be fitter today... then do it.
  • CaramelAppleSundae
    CaramelAppleSundae Posts: 21 Member
    You can do this. Just one step at a time and make small goals. you need to psyche yourself out so accomplishing smaller goals, like maybe five pound increments will do wonders for you. I think losing weight is more of a head game than anything else.
  • shoney2
    shoney2 Posts: 3
  • yogsvr4
    yogsvr4 Posts: 149 Member
    You recognize that you want to make a change. You'll find out that sometimes the change you make doesn't work. Don't let that discourage you. Find what works and keep at it.

    Good luck!