Motivation/support needed.

battyfitch Posts: 117 Member
I first joined MFP about a month ago and lost 14lbs in 3 weeks (because I'm fat and the losses come thick and fast at the beginning - not because I was under-eating). But somewhere along the line I got frustrated and fed up, and ended up deleting my account.

But now I'm back again and I'd like to ride the "this sucks" and "oh *kitten* I ate pizza, I've failed" waves a bit better, instead of giving up and starting over again... and again... and again.

Pointless info I'm sure no one cares about but I'm going to write it down regardless: I'm 29, of the female species, I'm from the UK and I want to lose approx. 200lbs. I am also quite blunt. I don't do the hearts and kisses motivational quotes thing. I don't YAY SO WONDERFUL! every single workout or generic newsfeed update. I don't sugar coat what I say, the advice I give or the questions I ask. I'm only mentioning this because in my experience, weight loss groups/communities tend to be all emoji heart faces and cliche Instagram quotes, and I've lost count of the number of times I've inadvertently offended or upset someone because I haven't filtered myself enough.

So, if there's anyone out there who's lost a lot, wants to lose a lot, or just wants to collect friends like Pokemon, send me a request.


  • prince0449
    prince0449 Posts: 12 Member
    I feel so similarly!
  • aliciapastorlecha
    aliciapastorlecha Posts: 169 Member
    Hi!. Actually there is no need to feel guilty if one day you eat pizza. We are all humans. The key is when you set your calories and macros, if one day you want eat pizza, plan the day according to it. For example you enter the calorie value for the pizza and the you adjust the rest of your calories and macros.
    The worse thing is to demonize foods. There is no bad foods, it all depends in the context. If you eat 3 pizzas, then yes, it may be bad because you may end up with stomach ah, but to have 1-2 slices is not as long as the fit in your calories and macros.
    The best diet is the one that you can see yourself doing for a long period of time, otherwise you won't succeed because it will become very restrictive. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask and feel free to send me a friend request!