Is it possible to be lost yet motivated?

I am 30, and trying to get my life in order. I started at 422lb, my goal is health - not really a number, but I'll say 225lb for posterity. I know I have an amazing amount of weight to lose, and I'm quite proud of my 25lb loss so far, but the scales have stalled and I'm seriously concerned that I'm not consuming ENOUGH calories even though I'm more than satisfied and am not hungry most of the time. I have been taking in 1600 calls/day, but according to BMR and the equations out there I should be at some crazy number like 3500! I've been eating 3 meals and 2 snacks most of the time. I'm committed, and nutritionally educated, and I have been eating 80% of my meals from home and trying to follow a more whole food approach as opposed to protein bars and slim fast (ew.) not a fan of the chemical plunge. (I'm a nurse.) I can't justify to myself that fried chicken is necessary to reach my calorie goals for the day...but neither is stuffing myself to an uncomfortable level to meet an increased calorie requirement. Im aiming for Macros : carb - 45%, Fat -30%, and Protein - 25%. Ive been working out approx 1 hour 2x week, but am going to try incorporating more walking into my routine. Suggestions?? And if I need to be eating more, how to incorporate that many calories without going overboard on fat, salt, and sugar?


  • IamUndrCnstruction
    IamUndrCnstruction Posts: 691 Member
    I know from experience, that anyone who can help you with this will need to see your food diary. You may want to make it public. :smile:
  • Madamlovejoy
    Madamlovejoy Posts: 9 Member
    Done ;)
  • btsinmd
    btsinmd Posts: 921 Member
    While I was not in the 400+ range, I was close to 300 and I ate, and still eat, about the same amount of calories you are doing now. If you are netting more than 1500 calories, feel satisfied like you could eat this way forever, then just keep with it. I had weeks where the scale didn't move and then it would do a 5 lb drop, maybe even two 5 lb drops in a row after not moving for weeks.

    Try hard to get some exercise in and eat those exercise calories, but don't stress, just log, and keep going.