Quit soda - when will the cravings stop??



  • maidengirl_
    maidengirl_ Posts: 283 Member
    I give nothing up...just limited it. I love soda and I refuse to "give it up" just because I'm on a journey. I STILL drink soda, regular and not that diet crap, but not in the same capacity I used to. I'm down 37 pounds. This is a journey. Not a race to the finish line. Please have the food you want but in MODERATION. This is the key to success. Denying yourself things you want is just going to led to binge eating.
  • 143tobe
    143tobe Posts: 620 Member
    I also believe in allowing all things in moderation...BUT I do believe that some people have that trigger food, and mine is Soda. I mostly stopped drinking Soda a few years ago due to pregnancy, but will get a craving every now and then. What I've learned for ME, is that Diet Coke is worse than regular, and what I mean by that is, that when I used to get a craving for soda, I would buy a 1.5 or 2 liter bottle of diet because it was a lot cheaper than the smaller ones, and I didn't want to consume all the calories, but I couldn't just stop at the one bottle. I would usually end up drinking 3 or 4 of them (in a week) because the craving was just triggered. After about a week, I would feel like total crap, headaches, body aches, and I would once again...have to quit cold turkey. Not a fun cycle. Most recently I decided to allow myself a 12oz can of Coke once a week on the day that I do a big workout. Well...that didn't really go over so well either, it triggered me to drink 4 cans that week, but 4 cans of regular coke is still better than 4 huge bottles of diet coke (in my opinion) and I didn't feel like crap. So I am still doing my best to figure out a way to enjoy my most favorite treat, while keeping it under control. It really is an individual process that only you will be able to do to figure out what works for you. My only advice, stick to the regular stuff...no calories sounds good, but from my experience, it messes with your system (my system) a whole lot more than sugar does. Good luck in figuring out what works for you!!
  • slickmickey
    slickmickey Posts: 113 Member
    i have loved the taste of diet coke since i was about 12. my mom bought it for a friend when she came to visit and i drank the leftovers and was hooked. maybe i'll try the seltzer. i've noticed that the same chemicals in diet coke are in the flavored fizzy waters (not seltzer tho) so i've been hesitant to drink them, worried that THAT is whats making me crave it. maybe i'm just crazy tho :smile:
  • JeromeBarry1
    JeromeBarry1 Posts: 10,182 Member
    I'm trying to remember if I have cravings for Coke. Nope. When I was living with my parents back in the 1970's I asked and they provided sugar-free Dr Pepper and Tab. I switched to coffee, with fake sweetener, after I moved out and ditched the fake sweetener a few years later. I would sometimes share my wife's large Coke at the movies, but my preference is to avoid the slimy aftertaste of it.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,695 Member
    If the soda is DIET, then you don't have to give it up if you don't want to. Regardless of the hype that many "googlefu" experts say, scientific evidence hasn't shown it to be detrimental to weight loss. Weight loss is dependent on CICO and diet soda has 0 calories, so it's not the soda that caused the weight gain.
    You still want to make sure that you're getting in some pure water in your diet too.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
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    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
