sedentary or lightly active?



  • xlgman
    xlgman Posts: 33 Member
    If you've already been tracking everything for more than a month, it doesn't really matter how you define your activity level. Instead of using "sedentary" or "lightly active" to estimate your activity level, just use your own personal historical data. Was the last month "normal" for you? Do you think you'll generally walk a similar amount next month, keep your job, and still chase your 2 year old? Well then, THAT is your activity level. And if you eat the same calories that you did last month, you should lose approximately another 6 pounds. It's really that easy and more accurate than the rough estimate that you'll get from some one-size-fits-all equation that may or may not fit you.

    Of course, the more weight you lose, the slower you will lose weight so maybe it'll only be 5.9 pounds this month!
  • TonyB0588
    TonyB0588 Posts: 9,520 Member
    Mine is set at "Lightly Active: Spend a good part of the day on your feet (e.g. teacher, salesman)", and I do actually spend a small part of my time on the road as a salesman. The rest of the time is at my desk monitoring the overall performance of the department. At home I do some outdoor stuff but not on a regular schedule.

    In my MFP settings I also included that i planned to exercise 3 times a week for 30 minutes each time. (Doesn't always happen).

    The net result is that I'm losing just under the planned 1lb per week, so I would say it is working fairly well at the current settings.
  • Orphia
    Orphia Posts: 7,097 Member
    kermax39 wrote: »
    Wow.....just changed it and its took 200 calories from me. Im losing on average 6 lbs a month, on second thoughts I think id rather eat those 200 cals than see a faster weight loss. Im already starving lol, really need those 200 cals.

    6 lbs a month is awesome.

    Well done for keeping your limit sustainable! No point starving yourself then crashing and burning.