Back again - this time with more bacon!

Hi all!

I've been on and off MFP for about 8 years now. I tried the straight up calorie restriction thing and it just never worked for me - constant starvation is not my friend, and I never lost any weight unless I severely restricted my intake due to a metabolism shredded by years of yo-yo dieting.

Since the start of the year I've been on-and-off of a ketosis diet, and I've seen results despite my lack of commitment and my love of beer. I'm here to use the tools to track my macros, which I've been lazy about thus far, and to force myself into a little more accountability by publicly announcing my intentions instead of just eating butter quietly in the privacy of my own home.

I'm looking for friends who are looking to drop 100 lbs or so, as well as friends who are also going the low-carb route. Or just anyone who believes, like I do, that just about everything tastes better than skinny feels.