Weight loss stalled while Breastfeeding

I 32 years old, 5ft9in and weigh 169lbs. I am breastfeeding a toddler, and I would guess that I burn 200 extra calories doing that a day, but I can't be certain. I also exercise 3 times a week burning 200-400 calories each time on top of chasing my toddler around places like the zoo and museum on a regular basis. I am consuming between 1700-1850 calories a day. I had lost weight consistently at a rate of 1.5 pounds a week eating this much (without exercise beyond chasing a toddler), but at 15 pounds lost, my weight just stalled. It was also around the time that I added exercise to my routine. So now I am not sure if the exercise made me stall and I need to eat more or if I need to eat less than I am.... Or if it is a total hormonal thing thanks to breastfeeding. Ugh. Does anyone have any thoughts? I know that my counts are accurate with the exception of not knowing with certainty how much nursing burns.


  • sweetilemon
    sweetilemon Posts: 122 Member
    I seemed to lose weight breastfeeding but my apitie was huge! I ate for nutrients but didn't really have time to overeat or have treats as my baby was constantly hungry. I think the lack of alcohol helped too. It could be muscle building if you've just started excersizing?
  • malibu927
    malibu927 Posts: 17,562 Member
    How long ago did you begin exercising? That would possibly do it, as your muscles are retaining more water at the beginning.
  • Bxqtie116
    Bxqtie116 Posts: 552 Member
    Have you recalculated your caloric needs since losing 15 lbs? As you lose more weight, your body doesn't need as many calories to function. Also, do you log your breastfeeding onto your food diary? I think I remember someone said you can find it under the exercise section.
  • mcdona4
    mcdona4 Posts: 5 Member
    No more than a few weeks ago... I am a little foggy. Haha. I can't remember what day.

    But yeah... I have heard of some women struggling no matter what to drop the last 15 pounds or so while nursing because of hormones and some who had zero trouble at all. My hormones have always been a bit wonky. It took us a while to conceive and I have other issues that aren't worth discussing on the board... But I could see myself being one of those who struggle with weight loss from hormones.

    That being said, I can totally change number of calories up or down, but I have read not to really go below where I am for breastfeeding. And when my weight loss had been so consistent at 1.5 pounds per week, it made me wonder if something else was going on.

    I lost 60 pounds pre-pregnancy by counting calories and exercising, but I exercised from day 1 and can't remember how long I ever stalled out.

    I am just trying to decide if I should keep on keeping on or if I should cut more.
  • Bxqtie116
    Bxqtie116 Posts: 552 Member
    Give it sometime and see what happens. If no change in a month, then switch some things up. It takes your body some time to make adjustments.
  • tlflag1620
    tlflag1620 Posts: 1,358 Member
    I'm 5'7" 144lbs, nursing my one year old (today is her birthday!). I'd like to drop another 4-5 lbs, but my appetite isn't cooperating with that, lol. That's said, I stopped allowing myself extra calories for nursing a few months back, so I'm eating at maintenance for my current weight. When TOM shows back up (it blessedly hasn't yet), I'm hoping my appetite drops. Until then I'm just trying to be patient with those last five.

    When you started exercising, did you start eating back the exercise calories? Are you certain your estimated burns are pretty accurate? You might want to stop eating back exercise calories for a while, if you have been eating them. Often we overestimate how much we are burning throu exercise. Also, how many times per day, on average, is your toddler nursing, and how much solid food is he/she eating? 200 may be an overestimate for breastfeeding calories. Also, since you are pretty close to goal (how much left do you have to lose?) you really ought to slow your rate of loss down to no more than 1/2 lb per week, especially while nursing.
  • mcdona4
    mcdona4 Posts: 5 Member
    I am not eating back the calories. I was stalled for a week.... Which is normal for me during the week of ovulation and week around TOTM. So I was stalled for ovulation and then I started exercising and didn't change my calorie intake, and the scale has not moved since. I've been stalled for about a month total. I really should have done some measurments so that I could tel if I am still making progress in some other way.

    My toddler still nurses ALOT for a toddler unfortunately.