supermarket active job

Hey guys! I wanted a opinion on this as I wasn't sure, I'm doing 1470 calories a day, 5ft4 and 193lbs lost 3 lbs so far and started to do the couch to 5k programme which I had to stop because of very hot weather, and it occured to me I work in a supermarket as a sale person for dairy aisle and I'm always busy and constantly walking during my shifts, and I lift alot.of boxes and pull cages etc, I was wondering about getting a pedometer and tracking my steps and inputing this exercise into MFP as I obviously burn calories during my shifts, should I do this? Or leave it out of my diet tracking? Thanks :)


  • kganc001
    kganc001 Posts: 317
    I'd suggest dropping ~$50-$60 (if you have it) on a heart rate monitor. You'll get more accurate calorie burns.

    Otherwise, change your fitness setting in MFP to moderately active or whichever description fits how often you work. :) That way you won't have to worry about logging your time at work! :D
  • Cheeky_0102
    Cheeky_0102 Posts: 408 Member
    I would say if you were overweight with that job before, and you are losing weight now without logging it, but doing additional activities, I would NOT count your work as exercise. I think we all get so hung up on exact calculations, when really your labels and food can vary by up to 20% anyways, your body may react differently to an activity than another, so your're only really ahead if it's working.

    The best tip i can give is don't over or under eat and don't over or under do it for exercise. The rest is gravy!