What are you doing RIGHT NOW???



  • Strivetobebetter76
    Strivetobebetter76 Posts: 1,784 Member
    Considering selling everything I own and running away to join a cult or the circus or something.

    I'm now playing circus music in my head. Thanx for that haha

    Send in the clowns!

    Absolutely, bring on the clowns. Unfortunately some people are scared of them and get offended if you post pics of clowns haha
  • Strivetobebetter76
    Strivetobebetter76 Posts: 1,784 Member
    Just drank my pre-workout. Getting ready to crush my first workout since Saturday due to being sick.
  • rileysowner
    rileysowner Posts: 8,313 Member
    Almost finished doing an exterior tear-off on a house. Not impressed with whomever sheeted this house with particle board. Some people are clueless idiots.


    You sure it is particle board? It looks like the stuff they used to sheathing the outside of houses when I was a kid. Black, fibrous stuff that looked a lot like that.

    You're probably right. It's almost like particle board though. So brittle. Just a terrible idea for sheeting a house.

    It used to be really popular. Not sure why. Probably price.
  • Strivetobebetter76
    Strivetobebetter76 Posts: 1,784 Member
    Jen12143 wrote: »
    Watching Captain America Winter Soldier

    I liked this one waaaaaay better than the first Captain America
  • Strivetobebetter76
    Strivetobebetter76 Posts: 1,784 Member
    Jen12143 wrote: »
    @Strivetobebetter76 definitely. Loved civil war too and super excited for infinity war....love marvel

    I love marvel too. I always look forward to their movies and TV shows. I really enjoyed Logan.
  • Strivetobebetter76
    Strivetobebetter76 Posts: 1,784 Member
    Almost finished doing an exterior tear-off on a house. Not impressed with whomever sheeted this house with particle board. Some people are clueless idiots.


    You sure it is particle board? It looks like the stuff they used to sheathing the outside of houses when I was a kid. Black, fibrous stuff that looked a lot like that.

    You're probably right. It's almost like particle board though. So brittle. Just a terrible idea for sheeting a house.

    It used to be really popular. Not sure why. Probably price.

    Most likely. Too many people tend to cheap out just to save a buck instead of getting things done properly.
  • LittleHearseDriver
    LittleHearseDriver Posts: 2,677 Member
    Having dinner with my cat :smiley:
  • dc8066
    dc8066 Posts: 1,439 Member
    Having dinner with my cat :smiley:

    Where's his plate, silverware and napkin?
  • slimgirljo15
    slimgirljo15 Posts: 269,456 Member
    Having dinner with my cat :smiley:

    I think he's plotting to harm you..do not turn your back :D
  • dc8066
    dc8066 Posts: 1,439 Member
    Having dinner with my cat :smiley:

    I think he's plotting to harm you..do not turn your back :D

    Of course he is, he's got nothing for dinner
  • RunHardBeStrong
    RunHardBeStrong Posts: 33,069 Member
    Working on my next two fundraising events. The break was nice but those new lungs aren't gonna buy themselves.
  • slimgirljo15
    slimgirljo15 Posts: 269,456 Member
    Working on my next two fundraising events. The break was nice but those new lungs aren't gonna buy themselves.

    Wishing you much luck Aly
  • slimgirljo15
    slimgirljo15 Posts: 269,456 Member
    dc8066 wrote: »
    Having dinner with my cat :smiley:

    I think he's plotting to harm you..do not turn your back :D

    Of course he is, he's got nothing for dinner

    Good point :D
  • LittleHearseDriver
    LittleHearseDriver Posts: 2,677 Member
    dc8066 wrote: »
    Having dinner with my cat :smiley:

    Where's his plate, silverware and napkin?
    He's being a gentleman and waiting patiently for his food to be served. The kitchen and wait staff are slow. I'm giving it 2 stars.
    I think he's plotting to harm you..do not turn your back :D

    Sammy is a mama's boy. I've got nothing to worry about.
  • RunHardBeStrong
    RunHardBeStrong Posts: 33,069 Member
    Working on my next two fundraising events. The break was nice but those new lungs aren't gonna buy themselves.

    Wishing you much luck Aly

    Thanks Jo!
  • bjsweatt
    bjsweatt Posts: 8 Member
  • karlschaeffer
    karlschaeffer Posts: 1,507 Member
    Watching the NFL Draft.
  • Motorsheen
    Motorsheen Posts: 20,508 Member
    It's 11:11. Make a wish.

  • DasItMan91
    DasItMan91 Posts: 5,753 Member
    Just got back from hanging out with a friend at iHop and now about to go to sleep.
  • Strivetobebetter76
    Strivetobebetter76 Posts: 1,784 Member
    Jen12143 wrote: »
    @Strivetobebetter76 Logan was by far my absolute favorite movie in a long time. I heard Hugh Jackman may make a cameo in the next Deadpool as himself. So sad he's done. Next on the list is Guardians of the Galaxy 2 next weekend!!

    I completely agree. I don't think I'll get used to anyone else playing wolverine in any upcoming movies. Same as Robert Downey Jr isn't going to play Iron Man anymore. Deadpool 2 should be funny again I'm sure. Hopefully parents will keep their children out of the theatres for it this time.