Aiming to maximize muscle gain while minimizing fat gain

I am a competitive road cyclist and have recently lost too much weight and have been told by my coach to start gaining weight. I currently weigh around 120lbs and am aiming to be up to 125 in a month, (I am 5'9). I would like to gain ad much of the weight in muscle mass as possible as carrying extra fat hinders cycling performance. I am aware that I will likely gain some of the weight as fat but I just want it to be as minimal as possible. Any advice would be a greatly appreciated!


  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    if you want to gain five pounds of muscle then half of that is going to be real way around that...

    aim for a small surplus of 250 calories a day for half pound a week gain and get on a structured lifting program.
  • rebel_26
    rebel_26 Posts: 1,826 Member
    Agree with ndj it's unavoidable in a natural building environment. Good luck!. If at 250 surplus per day it will take approx 2 weeks to see a pound increase though as was also pointed out. 3600 calories is said to equate to 1lb . You can up the surplus but that may change the dynamics on muscle vs fat