going off birth control

I am about to go off my pill(lo loestrin) and am freaking out a bit because of the horror stories the internet is full of. Gaining weight is a mild concern but honestly the side effect that worries me the most is hair loss. Lots of women seem to have mild to significant hair loss when they quit the pill(in the period after the artificial hormones leave your body but before your body starts regulating its own again, or that's what I keep reading. It seems this stage can last weeks or months).

Can anyone tell me about your (hopefully positive) birth control quitting experience? Or about any supplements or foods that helped your hormones get back on track faster?

I expect to deal with acne, because that's why I went on the pill in the first place as a teenager and it certainly cleared my face up.


  • j724mecham
    j724mecham Posts: 102 Member
    I was on depo provera which is a shot you get every 3 months and has it's own history of nasty side effects. It basically is like a trickery. It makes you feel like you're pregnant (moody, major nausea, cramping) without actually being pregnant. Many times the nausea gets so bad that people go back on the shot just to make it all stop. With that form of birth control, there is a lot of additional issues associates including hair loss as well. Basically anything that messes with your hormones will have that issue. I have mid-long hair and it's pretty thick. I haven't noticed a thing. I used to use a different shampoo from my work and shed a TON. But since I have very itchy dry scalp, I actually use Head & Shoulders (I know weird) and it has helped a ton. So many things you could potentially experience, but the focus is re-regulating your body. I have gone through these withdrawls before when I got pregnant with my daughter so I know what to expect this time around. I found trying to balance nutrients and balance in your body with things like fiber and especially folic acid are really helpful. I would even start taking a multi-vitamin. Good luck!
  • eep223
    eep223 Posts: 624 Member
    I went on the pill (10+?) years ago, originally as a way to deal with severe acne primarily. In December of last year, I went off (and switched to a copper IUD). I was very concerned about breaking out all over again. Fortunately, I hadn't read about possible hair loss, or I would have been freaking out about that too!

    The experience has been a good one, I'm happy to say! My skin has flared up ever so slightly, but drinking boatloads of water and steering clear of alcohol (both things I should be doing anyway!) have really helped. Hair has not been a problem, but if you are concerned, you might take a Biotin supplement or one for hair, skin, and nails. I have taken that in the past and my hair started growing FAST!

    Good luck with it, I'm sure you will be fine. Less crap to put into your body can't be a bad thing. And you will love not having to remember to take the pill!! I still have days when I look at the clock and think "oh crap!" for a second before I remember I AM FREEEEEEEEEE!
  • kristenveganvixen
    kristenveganvixen Posts: 87 Member
    Whenever I've stopped taking hormonal contraception weight has fell off me- it seems to make me gain, so I love the weight loss when I come off! :) I'm waiting to get a Mirena coil removed and hoping I lose a bit after that.

    I can't say I've ever noticed much difference with my hair. My skin gets worse for the first few months then settles down again.
  • victoriavoodoo
    victoriavoodoo Posts: 343 Member
    These replies are just what I hoped for! I'd like to think the negative stories are more common because the happy people choose not to talk about it on the internet as much, because they have no reason to. There is hope! =]

    I went on the pill (10+?) years ago, originally as a way to deal with severe acne primarily. In December of last year, I went off (and switched to a copper IUD). I was very concerned about breaking out all over again. Fortunately, I hadn't read about possible hair loss, or I would have been freaking out about that too!

    The experience has been a good one, I'm happy to say! My skin has flared up ever so slightly, but drinking boatloads of water and steering clear of alcohol (both things I should be doing anyway!) have really helped. Hair has not been a problem, but if you are concerned, you might take a Biotin supplement or one for hair, skin, and nails. I have taken that in the past and my hair started growing FAST!

    Good luck with it, I'm sure you will be fine. Less crap to put into your body can't be a bad thing. And you will love not having to remember to take the pill!! I still have days when I look at the clock and think "oh crap!" for a second before I remember I AM FREEEEEEEEEE!

    I'm so glad to hear your story in particular! A copper IUD is what I want to get soon. You're happy with it?
  • BusyRaeNOTBusty
    BusyRaeNOTBusty Posts: 7,166 Member
    Increased libido, like whooa.

    Also, I didn't gain weight or lose any hair or anything. I don't even remember noticing a difference in craps or flow either.
  • eep223
    eep223 Posts: 624 Member
    These replies are just what I hoped for! I'd like to think the negative stories are more common because the happy people choose not to talk about it on the internet as much, because they have no reason to. There is hope! =]

    I went on the pill (10+?) years ago, originally as a way to deal with severe acne primarily. In December of last year, I went off (and switched to a copper IUD). I was very concerned about breaking out all over again. Fortunately, I hadn't read about possible hair loss, or I would have been freaking out about that too!

    The experience has been a good one, I'm happy to say! My skin has flared up ever so slightly, but drinking boatloads of water and steering clear of alcohol (both things I should be doing anyway!) have really helped. Hair has not been a problem, but if you are concerned, you might take a Biotin supplement or one for hair, skin, and nails. I have taken that in the past and my hair started growing FAST!

    Good luck with it, I'm sure you will be fine. Less crap to put into your body can't be a bad thing. And you will love not having to remember to take the pill!! I still have days when I look at the clock and think "oh crap!" for a second before I remember I AM FREEEEEEEEEE!

    I'm so glad to hear your story in particular! A copper IUD is what I want to get soon. You're happy with it?

    I'm super happy with it! Cramps have been more painful, but have lessened since the first couple months. My period is also heavier, but I use a menstrual cup anyway, so that hasn't been a problem. Something to look into, if you aren't currently using one. I would practice with it prior to the IUD insertion if at all possible.
  • ostrichagain
    ostrichagain Posts: 271 Member
    I know you didn't ask me, but I have a copper IUD. LOVE IT. Absolutely no problems.
  • victoriavoodoo
    victoriavoodoo Posts: 343 Member
    I know you didn't ask me, but I have a copper IUD. LOVE IT. Absolutely no problems.

    Thanks, that's awesome! I welcome any and all advice and experiences! =]
  • victoriavoodoo
    victoriavoodoo Posts: 343 Member
    Increased libido, like whooa.

    Also, I didn't gain weight or lose any hair or anything. I don't even remember noticing a difference in craps or flow either.

    That's one of the reasons I'm quitting it, they say it decreases libido. I got on it before I was sexually active so I'd like to see what higher libido is like haha.
  • jhmomofmany
    jhmomofmany Posts: 571 Member
    just putting this out there, but you might be interested in the book TAKING CHARGE OF YOUR FERTILITY if you are looking for alternatives to hormonal birth control. :smile:
  • victoriavoodoo
    victoriavoodoo Posts: 343 Member
    just putting this out there, but you might be interested in the book TAKING CHARGE OF YOUR FERTILITY if you are looking for alternatives to hormonal birth control. :smile:

    I've done a bit of research on that, if I'd be as bad at remembering to chart as I was with taking the pill at the same time every day it wouldn't be too effective for me though lol
  • victoriavoodoo
    victoriavoodoo Posts: 343 Member
    bump for the night shift =]
  • MrsSenecal
    MrsSenecal Posts: 312 Member
    remember nothing is 100%. My 10 year old son was concieved when I had the Copper T inplanted. They were unable to remove it and he came out with the IUD on his head. If you have a IUD in MAKE SURE YOU CHECK YOUR STRINGS!!! If you dont feel them you have issues and you CAN get preggers.
  • I stopped my birth control when I went tot college because I forgot to fill the perscription. I didn't notice any side effects that I would attribute to stopping the pill. My period still came regularly. I did gain about ten pounds but that was definitely me overeating at the dining halls and being the typical freshman. I was able to lose weight fine. Good luck:)
  • belle_of_the_bar
    belle_of_the_bar Posts: 474 Member
    I stopped taking the pill and I did gain weight. Oh wait. It's cause I was pregnant within a month (fully intentionally) : ) I had the iud after I had the baby and hated it. Had it removed after 4 months, but now I'm on depo and happy as can be. Every body is different and we all respond differently to different bc methods. Good luck!
  • LavenderBouquet
    LavenderBouquet Posts: 736 Member
    I was wondering about the after-effects of quitting as well as I've been contemplating it for quite a while. Might be a bit TMI, but all of the 4 brands I've tried (all low level hormones) have completely killed my libido. Literally dead as a door nail. Pretty ready to quit and move on.
  • bert16
    bert16 Posts: 726 Member
    I quit two months ago after being on the Pill continuously for >20 years. Other than a shorter, heavier period and a minor breakout this month, I haven't experienced any side effects at all. It may be too soon to make any grand declarations, but so far, so good! And here's hoping that weight loss side effect comes my way... :laugh:
  • SamiAng
    SamiAng Posts: 23 Member
    I went off birth control after being on for years and years and the only issue I have is heavy periods. I went on Prenatal vitamins right away though. Doesn't sound like you are trying to get pregnant, but my doc said it is good for any woman in child bearing age, and I think it helped the transition of getting off of them.

    I had acne when I was on the pill in high school, but it didn't flare up after going off the pill.

    Hope it is an easy transition for you! Make sure to mark your start and end dates of your period. It will help you in the long run. I never want a surprise period! LOL.
  • jmyers1230
    jmyers1230 Posts: 67 Member
    Increased libido, like whooa.

    This is part of what I'm hoping for when I go off in 2 more months. Mine definitely dropped after being on the pill for a while (loestrin here). Granted, I've loved the last 3 years with NO period, but I also gained some weight when I started taking it. I'm hoping to have an easier time losing those pounds, increased libido, and hopefully having a baby sometime next year.
  • Basia_and4345
    Basia_and4345 Posts: 61 Member
    I was on depo provera which is a shot you get every 3 months and has it's own history of nasty side effects. It basically is like a trickery. It makes you feel like you're pregnant (moody, major nausea, cramping) without actually being pregnant. Many times the nausea gets so bad that people go back on the shot just to make it all stop. With that form of birth control, there is a lot of additional issues associates including hair loss as well. Basically anything that messes with your hormones will have that issue. I have mid-long hair and it's pretty thick. I haven't noticed a thing. I used to use a different shampoo from my work and shed a TON. But since I have very itchy dry scalp, I actually use Head & Shoulders (I know weird) and it has helped a ton. So many things you could potentially experience, but the focus is re-regulating your body. I have gone through these withdrawls before when I got pregnant with my daughter so I know what to expect this time around. I found trying to balance nutrients and balance in your body with things like fiber and especially folic acid are really helpful. I would even start taking a multi-vitamin. Good luck!

    It's been years since I was on Depo Provera but it was a god send for me ... no pill to remember daily and after a couple months no monthly cycle to worry about, I Loved it!! Did not have any side effects for me, so I guess I am one of the lucky ones it worked well for.