ISO 300+lb support for weight loss?

Hello I do not like saying this at all because I do not being vulnerable to people, but SW:378 CW:369 GW:178 5'11", first time mom, going on Sanford Profile/Ketosis diet. anyone else in my same boat at least weight loss wise that would like to team up and be supportive? Thank you kindly


  • afatpersonwholikesfood
    Hi! We have similar starting stats. I started somewhere over 380 and am 5'10". My current weight is just a few pounds below 200. My goal at the moment is 180. I don't do ketosis, but I am happy to chat with you.
  • daniip_la
    daniip_la Posts: 678 Member
    I'm 6'0" and my SW was 368, CW is 308, GW is 168. We're really similar in stats!