Where and how do I begin

As a working, over-weight, single mom of kids 1, 2, and 9 how do I start. I need and would appreciate tips and suggestions from someone who has been in my shoes. I would like to lose 70lbs.


  • queenliz99
    queenliz99 Posts: 15,317 Member
  • enterdanger
    enterdanger Posts: 2,447 Member
    edited August 2016
    @NIT4aloss I would start just by logging your food. If you are on here for calorie counting (which works) you need to get used to logging your food. I'd do that for a week before changing your diet. This way you can see what you currently eat. It was eye opening for me. I always thought I ate healthy, but just too much. I was lying to myself.

    Then go to the guided weight loss settting and tell MFP how many lbs you want to lose a week. I recommend 1. It's slow, but it's not such a shock when you reduce your food intake. This will tell you how many calories to eat. Just try to stay around the amount MFP tells you.

    The hard part is figuring out what will fill you up and is within your calorie limit.

    You can do this. I had a similar amount to lose and I lost half of it pretty quickly. Now I'm expecting my 3rd baby so weight loss in on hold.
  • cerise_noir
    cerise_noir Posts: 5,468 Member
    edited August 2016
    ^ These.
    What helped me was to delete the whole 'diet' and 'rules' from my mind.

    Set up myiftnesspal diet profile. If you have more than 50lbs to lose, chose the 'lose 2lbs per week option'. If you have less to lose choose 1.5-.5lbs per week. The less weight you have to lose, the less you should be losing in a week.

    Eat food that you like.. no need to cut out any food. Calories are king when it comes to weight loss. If you want dessert, have it as long as you stay within your calories. No need to eat foods you don't like just because 'healthy'. Food is food. You'll lose weight just as long as you stick to your calories accurately.

    Get a food scale to weigh everything that isn't a liquid. Use measuring cups and spoons for liquid only. Measuring cups for solid foods is completely inaccurate.

    Log everything you consume every day. Don't miss logging any food. Your body counts them, so count everything you consume. Choose accurate food database entries (make sure the entries are the same as the food packaging.

  • StaciMarie1974
    StaciMarie1974 Posts: 4,138 Member
    Weight loss is about how many calories you consume in a day, compared to how many calories your body uses. Its like a budget, and your excess weight is your savings. If you consume less in a day than your body needs, it taps into the savings - and over time you gradually lose weight. Consume more than your body needs, and it adds to the savings and you gain weight.

    Start by tracking what you are eating and drinking in a day - and then look for ways to cut back. Cut out or at least reduce calorie-loaded drinks. More baked/grilled food and less fried. Lower fat alternatives like 2% milk, cheese. Smaller portions of starchy sides, and larger portions of veggies. These are different ways you can trim calories from your daily routine.
  • brenn24179
    brenn24179 Posts: 2,144 Member
    basically just log what you eat every day. I try to eat filling stuff, for me that is beans, oatmeal, protein, peanut butter, soups, watermelon, lots of water.