Morbid Obesity & Rushfit

dhaemon Posts: 110 Member
I have acquired the RushFit program and was wondering if there is anyone else that has this program and is also really Obese
(6'2, 395 lbs)
I have 2 months of Walking and Jogging cardio prior to this.


  • CarlHKF
    CarlHKF Posts: 42
    Im starting this program on monday, does look good
  • lilo617
    lilo617 Posts: 2 Member
    Before I started RushFit, I had only done about a month of jogging, 3x a week, and managed to complete my first 8k, so I was a bit conditioned before starting the program. I am also diabetic and have a few limitations due to not being careful when I was younger. My boyfriend was the one who suggested RushFit after my training for the 8k was finished. He had already done both the beginner and intermediate calendar beforehand and he truly enjoyed it since it was challenging, but not overwhelmingly challenging like other exercises programs like P90X, Insanity, or Tapout XT.

    I can honestly say that I truly enjoy this program a lot. I had tried Insanity beforehand and gave up after a few days because of the amount of jumping exercises that my body was not used to. George Saint Pierre and the trainer Eric in the DVDs are really encouraging throughout the entire workouts and you can definitely tell that GSP struggles through the exercises like any other normal person.

    When I first started, I was so exhausted after each 5 minute round and I could barely do more than a few of reps of each exercise that they put you through. In fact, I had to start off with doing all the modifications of the exercises that they show you just because I had very little balance, a very weak core, and weak arms. After about week 3-4, I started to get off the modifications and got to doing the full moves that they do in the workout, but still very few reps. Now I'm in week 7 and I am getting better at moving through the moves a lot faster and doing more reps. It is really satisfying. I'm noticing the differences in my body. I'm losing more inches around my waist I noticed than I am losing weight though, which might be a deterrent, however I am more toned in my legs, core, arms, and back than I ever have been before. I think that RushFit is a great program as a start to getting into shape and I am considering moving onto the intermediate calendar for better results and mixing in my half-marathon training as well.

    RushFit is good in the fact that you don't have to spend a ton of money on exercise equipment except for dumbells and you use your bodyweight for the rest of it. Also I really like the fight conditioning workout since I've never tried anything like that before and it is fun. The modifications that they offer also help if you aren't use to so many push-ups or full on sit-ups or have very bad balance like I do. It is also great in the sense that you get cardio days in which you can do any type of cardio and I usually opt for running/jogging which also helps you lose weight and inches. I would recommend trying it for the first 2 weeks at least and get a feel for it before writing it off completely.