Is this normal?



  • formylover
    formylover Posts: 34 Member
    if you are loosing inches it could be that your are loosing fat and building muscles at the gym. Muscle is heavier than fat so this could explain it. personally i discovered that weight is no good indicator and that measures are the best to know how your body is responding to your diet and efforts. if you are slimer and more toned than before then there are your results.
    Weight means little to those who are not overweight and who just need to loose a few pounds to be in perfect shape.
  • mizzmarble
    mizzmarble Posts: 20 Member
    Thanks guys, this had made me feel a lot better :)
  • Faythe57
    Faythe57 Posts: 6 Member
    Gradual loss is the key along with how your clothes fit. You are doing the right things. If exercising a lot you will no doubt drink more water which can affect a lb or so at one time or another.