CIRCUIT workout ideas GO

I love hitting the gym with either HIIT routines or strength routines planned out to keep me motivated, so I'm not doing the same thing all the time. Especially for those lunch times when you pushed for time. If anyone has any routines they wanna share for me and others to do next time we at gym lets log here!

I did following this week:

4 X graduating weighted sled push

25 X Weighted lunges. Super set with
25 X Box Jumps

25x Weighted squats. Super set with
25 X kettle bell swing

End with 25 X leg raises
25 X crunches with weight
25 X side plank each side dips


  • Cherimoose
    Cherimoose Posts: 5,209 Member
    Try this:

    Jumping lunges

    Rope sled pull (tie a rope to the sled, and pull)

    Medicine ball floor slams

    Alligator pushups

    Goblet squats

    Bodyweight rows

    Speed skaters

    Medicine ball walkouts

    - all are on Youtube

    You seem to like the number 25, so do 25 of each. GO :+1:

  • Neanbean13
    Neanbean13 Posts: 211 Member
    Ohhhh yes! Love new ideas and diff work out to challenge u!
  • giantrobot_powerlifting
    giantrobot_powerlifting Posts: 2,598 Member
    The only real circuit I do, I do for conditioning is 5 pull-ups or chin-ups (depending on how the elbow feels), 15 push-ups, and 20 KB swings AMRAP for 10 mins at the end of my workout.

    Oh I do another one, a loaded AMRAP carry for 12 mins.

    - 100 lb DB Farmer Carry
    - 45 lb overhead plate carry
    - 45 lb bumper plate suitcase carry

    Short, sweet, effective and sport specific.