Going over carbs and not getting enough calories

I just started tracking my food a couple of days ago. Consistently, I'm going over on my carb count but not eating all my calories. I'm 5 foot 1 and 154.2 pounds. I want to lose down to 110 so I'm going for 1,200 calories a day and a loss of 2 pounds a week.

I have a half cup of oatmeal with a tsp. each of raisins and crasins with a sprinkling of brown sugar and cinnamon for breakfast along with my coffee (whole milk, creamer). That gives me 50 carbs out of my daily goal of 60. Lunch today was a protein smoothie with milk, some chicken, and 1 cup of vegetable barley soup. That's 45 carbs. Dinner will be 1 cup of one of the Bird's Eye Protein Blends at 46 carbs. Snacks are two pieces of sugarfree gum and three mini bell peppers and 1 TBS of light ranch dressing. So I'll be over my carbs by 91 with only 1,055 calories eaten.

What can I do? I know oatmeal is good for you.....Everything else is where it should be - my sugar is over by 7 out of 52 total, and that seems to be coming from the whole milk. I used to drink skim, but then I read that whole milk is healthier.


  • diannethegeek
    diannethegeek Posts: 14,776 Member
    My first question would be how and why did you set your macro goals. It doesn't look like MFP's defaults to me (though I admit it's too early in the morning for me to math). If you're setting a custom carb goal that's so low (60 grams of carbs a day looks like you're striving for ketosis?) then you either need to reasses why you set those goals or change your eating patterns to meet them.
  • billglitch
    billglitch Posts: 538 Member
    edited August 2016
    if you are trying low carb high fat eating, then reduce carbs and eat more fats. Loose the oatmeal and/or have eggs, bacon. For a snack eat pecans or macadamia nuts or have some sharp cheddar cheese. Read dietdoctor.com if you are doing low carbs. at least loose the sugar on your oatmeal. in coffee have real heavy cream and lose the milk
  • KimSisk2
    KimSisk2 Posts: 5 Member
    Who said I like carbs? I'm eating those things because they're supposedly good for you. And what's wrong with sugarfree gum? Surely, it's better than a candy bar?

    I got the macros from IIFYM's site which I saw recommended here as apparently the defaults aren't correct. Here's what the email said:
    Protein Grams: 123
    Fat Grams: 62
    Carbs Grams: 38
    Fiber Grams: 23 - 31
    When all of these macros are added up, you get a total of 1200 calories.
    These calories are based on the number of calories you burn in a given day (known as your personal TDEE, which the IIFYM Calculator estimated at 1503), less the percentage you selected as your fat loss deficit. Eat less than this number and you burn body fat for fuel. Eat more and you will store body fat for fuel for a later date.
  • ouryve
    ouryve Posts: 572 Member
    If you want to restrict carbs, you need to not eat low fat eg ditch the "light" dressing for the ordinary stuff. It's far nicer. Anyhow. You also need fat to absorb fat soluble vitamins.
  • KimSisk2
    KimSisk2 Posts: 5 Member
    ::sigh:: OK. Thanks for clearing that up. I'll put my macros back to the default and figure out something else for breakfast instead of oatmeal. And no more protein smoothies. Don't know what I'll do to make up the calories, but I'll keep researching.
  • Golbat
    Golbat Posts: 276 Member
    Are you using skim milk in your smoothie? Switch to 2% or whole. And I agree on skipping light ranch. Just get regular ranch. It will keep you feeling more full, and you have the calories for it. Also, light salad dressings are sometimes heavy on sugars, which might be an issue for you if you want to have fewer carbs.

    I do a relatively low carb diet, but if I go over and it's because of fruits and veggies, I don't sweat it. If it's because of sugars and grains, I try to do better the next day (though I don't worry that much about any issue that is just one day.) But if you aren't over your calorie limit, and particularly if you're over your carbs because of fruits and veggies, you might reconsider how big of a problem that is.
  • kgeyser
    kgeyser Posts: 22,505 Member
    KimSisk2 wrote: »
    Who said I like carbs? I'm eating those things because they're supposedly good for you. And what's wrong with sugarfree gum? Surely, it's better than a candy bar?

    I got the macros from IIFYM's site which I saw recommended here as apparently the defaults aren't correct. Here's what the email said:
    Protein Grams: 123
    Fat Grams: 62
    Carbs Grams: 38
    Fiber Grams: 23 - 31
    When all of these macros are added up, you get a total of 1200 calories.
    These calories are based on the number of calories you burn in a given day (known as your personal TDEE, which the IIFYM Calculator estimated at 1503), less the percentage you selected as your fat loss deficit. Eat less than this number and you burn body fat for fuel. Eat more and you will store body fat for fuel for a later date.

    Ok, here are a few things that may help. First, 2 lbs per week is way too aggressive for the amount of weight you have to lose. At 44 lbs, 1 lb per week is more appropriate because it will be easier to manage.

    That protein number seems really high for your stats, so I'm questioning that. And the 1503 as a TDEE sounds a bit off as well, and it would only be a 300 cal deficit which is closer to 1/2 lb per week. I know deficits are continuing source of frustration for those who shorter side, but those numbers still seem off to me. I'm more familiar with http://scoobysworkshop.com/calorie-calculator/ for TDEE. Maybe try running your stats there and see how they compare.
  • nutmegoreo
    nutmegoreo Posts: 15,532 Member
    KimSisk2 wrote: »
    Who said I like carbs? I'm eating those things because they're supposedly good for you. And what's wrong with sugarfree gum? Surely, it's better than a candy bar?

    I got the macros from IIFYM's site which I saw recommended here as apparently the defaults aren't correct. Here's what the email said:
    Protein Grams: 123
    Fat Grams: 62
    Carbs Grams: 38
    Fiber Grams: 23 - 31
    When all of these macros are added up, you get a total of 1200 calories.
    These calories are based on the number of calories you burn in a given day (known as your personal TDEE, which the IIFYM Calculator estimated at 1503), less the percentage you selected as your fat loss deficit. Eat less than this number and you burn body fat for fuel. Eat more and you will store body fat for fuel for a later date.

    If you like these macros and they work for you, then great, but it doesn't sound like they are working for you. Eat foods that you like and do some tweaking for satiety sakes. That will make it easier for you to stick with it.

    Many people find the default settings here to be fine, others prefer higher protein goals than what MFP gives, particularly those who are lifting or more focused on muscle preservation. The 123g seems a bit high, depending on your needs.

    There are several threads here on setting your macros. They are in the sticky posts at the top of the getting started and general diet boards (sorry, I can't link right now). Take a peek through.

    At the end of the day, macro splits are mostly personal, as long as you are getting enough nutritious foods (meeting vitamin, mineral, and macro needs for proteins and fats; several body processes require fat, including nutrient absorption). I think of my protein and fats as minimum targets, and then let the rest fall where they may. That works for me.

    You need to find what works for you.
  • J72FIT
    J72FIT Posts: 5,994 Member
    KimSisk2 wrote: »
    I just started tracking my food a couple of days ago. Consistently, I'm going over on my carb count but not eating all my calories. I'm 5 foot 1 and 154.2 pounds. I want to lose down to 110 so I'm going for 1,200 calories a day and a loss of 2 pounds a week.

    I have a half cup of oatmeal with a tsp. each of raisins and crasins with a sprinkling of brown sugar and cinnamon for breakfast along with my coffee (whole milk, creamer). That gives me 50 carbs out of my daily goal of 60. Lunch today was a protein smoothie with milk, some chicken, and 1 cup of vegetable barley soup. That's 45 carbs. Dinner will be 1 cup of one of the Bird's Eye Protein Blends at 46 carbs. Snacks are two pieces of sugarfree gum and three mini bell peppers and 1 TBS of light ranch dressing. So I'll be over my carbs by 91 with only 1,055 calories eaten.

    What can I do? I know oatmeal is good for you.....Everything else is where it should be - my sugar is over by 7 out of 52 total, and that seems to be coming from the whole milk. I used to drink skim, but then I read that whole milk is healthier.

    What are you doing for exercise? I am working on some numbers for you and knowing your training would help.
  • littlechiaseed
    littlechiaseed Posts: 489 Member
    Gum isn't a snack.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    There isn't anything inherently wrong with carbs...there are a lot of carbohydrates that are very healthful foods to eat...carbs aren't the devil...eat your carbs if you like your carbs.
  • billglitch
    billglitch Posts: 538 Member
    saw this on dietdoctor.com. for strict low carb eat less than 20 grams of carbs. then eat 1 gr of protein for ever kilogram or GOAL weight, the rest is fat. I use MFP and adjusted my goals and put in my cals, then adjusted % carbs til i got to the number (or close) i wanted for carbs. Then put the number of proteins in as a percentage until you get close to the number you want. The rest is fats, adjust that percentage and on MFP it has to equal 100%
  • rankinsect
    rankinsect Posts: 2,238 Member
    edited August 2016
    I think you're making this way more complicated than it needs to be.

    I always recommend paying attention to not more than three to four numbers, and you can be successful even if you just track one:

    1. To lose weight, you only need to worry about one single number - total calories.

    2. To help preserve muscle mass (in conjunction with resistance training), you might want to add a second number - make sure you get enough protein.

    3. Beyond that, optionally choose other targets with consideration to your overall health:
    * Are you prone to any kind of nutrient deficiency? If so, that should probably be a target.
    * Are you hypertensive? Sodium and/or potassium might be a good choice for a target.
    * Do you have gastrointestinal problems? Maybe track fiber.
    * Do you have medical reasons to reduce sugar or carbohydrates? Those could be goals, too.

    Don't eat food that "they say" is healthy. "They" are known idiots. Eat in a way that you not only tolerate but enjoy.
  • billglitch
    billglitch Posts: 538 Member
    rankinsect wrote: »
    I think you're making this way more complicated than it needs to be.

    I always recommend paying attention to not more than three to four numbers, and you can be successful even if you just track one:

    1. To lose weight, you only need to worry about one single number - total calories.

    2. To help preserve muscle mass (in conjunction with resistance training), you might want to add a second number - make sure you get enough protein.

    3. Beyond that, optionally choose other targets with consideration to your overall health:
    * Are you prone to any kind of nutrient deficiency? If so, that should probably be a target.
    * Are you hypertensive? Sodium and/or potassium might be a good choice for a target.
    * Do you have gastrointestinal problems? Maybe track fiber.
    * Do you have medical reasons to reduce sugar or carbohydrates? Those could be goals, too.

    Don't eat food that "they say" is healthy. "They" are known idiots. Eat in a way that you not only tolerate but enjoy.
    rankinsect wrote: »
    I think you're making this way more complicated than it needs to be.

    I always recommend paying attention to not more than three to four numbers, and you can be successful even if you just track one:

    1. To lose weight, you only need to worry about one single number - total calories.

    2. To help preserve muscle mass (in conjunction with resistance training), you might want to add a second number - make sure you get enough protein.

    3. Beyond that, optionally choose other targets with consideration to your overall health:
    * Are you prone to any kind of nutrient deficiency? If so, that should probably be a target.
    * Are you hypertensive? Sodium and/or potassium might be a good choice for a target.
    * Do you have gastrointestinal problems? Maybe track fiber.
    * Do you have medical reasons to reduce sugar or carbohydrates? Those could be goals, too.

    Don't eat food that "they say" is healthy. "They" are known idiots. Eat in a way that you not only tolerate but enjoy.

    I am not disagreeing with you but he LCHF is an easy way to cut back on cals and not feel hungry
  • J72FIT
    J72FIT Posts: 5,994 Member
    billglitch wrote: »
    rankinsect wrote: »
    I think you're making this way more complicated than it needs to be.

    I always recommend paying attention to not more than three to four numbers, and you can be successful even if you just track one:

    1. To lose weight, you only need to worry about one single number - total calories.

    2. To help preserve muscle mass (in conjunction with resistance training), you might want to add a second number - make sure you get enough protein.

    3. Beyond that, optionally choose other targets with consideration to your overall health:
    * Are you prone to any kind of nutrient deficiency? If so, that should probably be a target.
    * Are you hypertensive? Sodium and/or potassium might be a good choice for a target.
    * Do you have gastrointestinal problems? Maybe track fiber.
    * Do you have medical reasons to reduce sugar or carbohydrates? Those could be goals, too.

    Don't eat food that "they say" is healthy. "They" are known idiots. Eat in a way that you not only tolerate but enjoy.
    rankinsect wrote: »
    I think you're making this way more complicated than it needs to be.

    I always recommend paying attention to not more than three to four numbers, and you can be successful even if you just track one:

    1. To lose weight, you only need to worry about one single number - total calories.

    2. To help preserve muscle mass (in conjunction with resistance training), you might want to add a second number - make sure you get enough protein.

    3. Beyond that, optionally choose other targets with consideration to your overall health:
    * Are you prone to any kind of nutrient deficiency? If so, that should probably be a target.
    * Are you hypertensive? Sodium and/or potassium might be a good choice for a target.
    * Do you have gastrointestinal problems? Maybe track fiber.
    * Do you have medical reasons to reduce sugar or carbohydrates? Those could be goals, too.

    Don't eat food that "they say" is healthy. "They" are known idiots. Eat in a way that you not only tolerate but enjoy.

    I am not disagreeing with you but he LCHF is an easy way to cut back on cals and not feel hungry

    Agreed as long as LCHF is enjoyable and tolerable to the OP...
  • nutmegoreo
    nutmegoreo Posts: 15,532 Member
    billglitch wrote: »
    rankinsect wrote: »
    I think you're making this way more complicated than it needs to be.

    I always recommend paying attention to not more than three to four numbers, and you can be successful even if you just track one:

    1. To lose weight, you only need to worry about one single number - total calories.

    2. To help preserve muscle mass (in conjunction with resistance training), you might want to add a second number - make sure you get enough protein.

    3. Beyond that, optionally choose other targets with consideration to your overall health:
    * Are you prone to any kind of nutrient deficiency? If so, that should probably be a target.
    * Are you hypertensive? Sodium and/or potassium might be a good choice for a target.
    * Do you have gastrointestinal problems? Maybe track fiber.
    * Do you have medical reasons to reduce sugar or carbohydrates? Those could be goals, too.

    Don't eat food that "they say" is healthy. "They" are known idiots. Eat in a way that you not only tolerate but enjoy.
    rankinsect wrote: »
    I think you're making this way more complicated than it needs to be.

    I always recommend paying attention to not more than three to four numbers, and you can be successful even if you just track one:

    1. To lose weight, you only need to worry about one single number - total calories.

    2. To help preserve muscle mass (in conjunction with resistance training), you might want to add a second number - make sure you get enough protein.

    3. Beyond that, optionally choose other targets with consideration to your overall health:
    * Are you prone to any kind of nutrient deficiency? If so, that should probably be a target.
    * Are you hypertensive? Sodium and/or potassium might be a good choice for a target.
    * Do you have gastrointestinal problems? Maybe track fiber.
    * Do you have medical reasons to reduce sugar or carbohydrates? Those could be goals, too.

    Don't eat food that "they say" is healthy. "They" are known idiots. Eat in a way that you not only tolerate but enjoy.

    I am not disagreeing with you but he LCHF is an easy way to cut back on cals and not feel hungry

    That's individual preference though. There are many people for whom LCHF doesn't work. OP, didn't have the intention of going LCHF, she was using the IIFYM macro calculator and this is what it gave her. If LCHF works for her, then great, but it doesn't sound like that's the case here.