Weight loss needed due to constant heartburn, GERD & other digestive disorders

I am determined to loose some weight because I have been dealing with years of on & off heartburn and it's either live on medicines or change my diet and lifestyle. I want to hear from all of you out there who are trying to fix more than just the number on the scale & their clothes!

My personal struggle is years of dealing with heartburn bad enough to not only get a poor night's sleep, but experiencing frequent colds because my esophagus and upper digestive track is constantly irritated. I haven't been diagnosed with GERD, but all of my symptoms say I have it, and I am scared it's going to put me in the hospital. I have to go by the "rules" and avoid eating certain foods, eating smaller portions, and getting the last meal of the day in several hours before bedtime. When I plan, prepare, and watch my calorie intake, I do great, I feel great, and no heartburn! It's those around me who haven't listened to me for the thousandth time that try to sabotage me, and they even get angry when I refuse to join them in eating whatever & whenever they want. I feel the worst has been straining my relationship with a very close friend & coworker who has been mad at me lately as I bring food to work and refuse to join in on getting takeout every day; I can't help but say she is jealous as I feel she has found my lost pounds.

In the long run using the myfitnesspal app to monitor my calorie intake has been the most successful attempt I have made at trying to fix myself. My weight, waistline, and grocery bill has gone down and my energy level and self confidence has gone up. I have embraced it as a true lifestyle choice and view it as a necessity! I would love to hear from others who have similar woes, and also wish to offer support to those who need it.


  • hollyk57
    hollyk57 Posts: 520 Member
    I went through a lot of the same struggles. I had heartburn daily and found that all the OTC stuff wasn't even helping anymore. I was miserable. Went to the doctor and few years ago and was diagnosed with GED. They started me on Pantoprazole, a daily pill, which has almost completely eliminated all of my heartburn and stomach upset. I rarely have issues now. I am not a fan of taking pills of any sort, and of course losing weight is the best way to reduce or eliminate the Gerd issues, but we all know thay doesnt happen overnight. I found that this med is a good solution while I'm on my weightloss journey.
  • CharlieBeansmomTracey
    CharlieBeansmomTracey Posts: 7,682 Member
    losing weight doesnt always reduce or eliminate GERD though. I know for me it hasnt. Im off the meds(PPIs) because they were causing me a LOT of other issues. I do take an acid reducer when really needed or an antacid but other than that some days its still really bad and it doesnt matter what I eat or when some things aggravate it some days and other times it doesnt.I was first diagnosed with GERD before I became overweight
  • ldowdesw
    ldowdesw Posts: 222 Member
    You should really go to your GP.. My hubby suffered for years with reflux then I watched the news and saw a man who had suffered with cancer of the oesophagus which scared us. Turned out hubby has a tiny hernia so now has a single tablet every morning and now he's ok. He couldn't drink o/j or eat spag Bol, he struggled tying his laces and some nights would wake up with a mouthful of stomach acid. If there is an underlying problem, diet can't fix that... Be brave. X
  • AJF230
    AJF230 Posts: 81 Member
    Hook up with a gastroenterologist. Tell him you want an EGD for a definitive diagnosis. That way they can tell if you have a Barrett's esophagus, and monitor that. Tell him/her you are on a weight loss plan but you want to be surveilled for this. Chronic GERD actually can kill you, IF you don't address it and have someone watching you.