Underweight & need advice



  • Astimegoes
    Astimegoes Posts: 37 Member
    Make a shake n blend two scoops of peanut butter, one banana, one thing of yogurt, strawberries and milk n if you want you can add peanuts, that's like 650 calories right there.
  • Myki3012
    Myki3012 Posts: 152 Member
    Could you perhaps add a small bit to each of your main meals? It seems adding something new and large wouldn't suit you as you seem to be quite contempt with how your diet is now when it comes to hunger satisfaction. Small additions to your main meals might suit you better and not feel like a hassle.
  • RuNaRoUnDaFiEld
    RuNaRoUnDaFiEld Posts: 5,864 Member
    When my weight starts to drop I add oil. So I'll add 2 teaspoons of olive or hemp oil to my veggies or I'll add sesame oil over my fish etc.
    It is a quick way to increase them.

    And wine, wine always help me gain a little :wink:
  • CarolynSullivan1
    CarolynSullivan1 Posts: 6,204 Member
    This maybe something you are already doing, but eat yogurt that is NOT low fat, Whole Milk, No substitute sugars. Ice creams, and Meats.... BUTTER. Add butter (real butter) to as many things as you can. I worked w mom's who had underway children and these are the things that were listed for them to help the child gain. Even if it is home made PB& Jelly sandwich u can add a thin layer of Cream cheese to it b4 the PB.
  • Ybbed
    Ybbed Posts: 1 Member
    I find that more exercise and strength training will increase my weight. It seems like that would not true, but it is for me. Have you tried strength training?
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,420 MFP Moderator
    Ybbed wrote: »
    I find that more exercise and strength training will increase my weight. It seems like that would not true, but it is for me. Have you tried strength training?

    For many, exercise can increase hunger (especially weight training) which can cause you to increase calorie consumption.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,420 MFP Moderator
    psulemon wrote: »
    Ybbed wrote: »
    I find that more exercise and strength training will increase my weight. It seems like that would not true, but it is for me. Have you tried strength training?

    For many, exercise can increase hunger (especially weight training) which can cause you to increase calorie consumption.

    It can also temporarily cause a water weight gain, so depending on how long this person tried it, they may not have had time to see it level out.

    True that.
  • chloectaylor
    chloectaylor Posts: 14 Member
    I'm trying to gain weight too, I'm 5ft 6 & 99lbs (the last time I checked 2 weeks ago) and I've never been over 110lbs. I've been trying to gain weight for a month now and I'm finally figuring out what's working for me. instead of having 3 meals I day I have around 5 and then snacks too. I'm not concerned about being healthy/unhealthy right now I'm focused on going over my calories daily (2,060). eating ice cream, chocolate, chips, butter on everything. eating out at fast food places and restaurants at least twice a week and eating lots of stuff like pizza, pasta, vegetables, cheese, chicken, potatoes etc is really helping me!
  • jgnatca
    jgnatca Posts: 14,464 Member
    Depending on how your day has gone you can have an evening snack to compensate. You are eating nutritious foods so anything extra is bonus. How about ice cream at bedtime?