

I have hit my goal weight and one of the trainers informed me I'am not eating enough 123lb, do cardio, weights and ab classes at the gym + around 9-12000 steps per day. Can barely eat 1200 cals. Now I have been told should be eating around 1900 cals. Carbs 25%, protein 35%, fat 40%.
That is a big problem reasons
Scared I will put the weight back on
Can't eat that much.

Any advice welcome please.


  • tiptoethruthetulips
    tiptoethruthetulips Posts: 3,371 Member
    As mentioned slowly increase your calorie intake each work. If you find it hard to eat the volume of food from a higher calorie intake eat calorie dense food such as nuts, salmon, cheese, full fat products etc etc. Don't forget to consume good fats.
  • yesimpson
    yesimpson Posts: 1,372 Member
    If it's any comfort, you and I sound very similar, and I can eat 2200 calories a day without putting on weight. You may see a little jump up in scale weight if you increase your intake, but don't worry about that as it's unlikely to be fat, it's your body replenishing itself and adjusting to no longer being in deficit + the weight of a bit extra food.

    Another vote for slowly working your calorie intake up. I'd be very surprised if 1900 was over maintenance and caused you to gain weight.
  • wendypark811
    wendypark811 Posts: 65 Member
    Thanks for your help, has a child I grew up eating little meals or nibbling quickly always busy. School age even worse missing meals all the time and have not been able to get out of that habit (reason for weight gain bad eating). When I started this it took a while for me to adjust eating 3 meals a day so this will be another challenge but can be done. Will slowly increase it.

    Thanks again
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    How many calories are you currently eating?
  • wendypark811
    wendypark811 Posts: 65 Member
    I have always had problems with eating, quick meals, missing meals or eating rubbish reason I got so big. At the moment with steps added works out around 1400 but I'am always under average between 2-300 a day. Now I'am told to up my eating to 1900 by with steps included.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    I have always had problems with eating, quick meals, missing meals or eating rubbish reason I got so big. At the moment with steps added works out around 1400 but I'am always under average between 2-300 a day. Now I'am told to up my eating to 1900 by with steps included.

    You need to ditch any 'diet' food for full fat, increase portion sizes and add in nuts as a low volume high calorie snack.
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 33,792 Member

    I have hit my goal weight and one of the trainers informed me I'am not eating enough 123lb, do cardio, weights and ab classes at the gym + around 9-12000 steps per day. Can barely eat 1200 cals. Now I have been told should be eating around 1900 cals. Carbs 25%, protein 35%, fat 40%.
    That is a big problem reasons
    Scared I will put the weight back on
    Can't eat that much.

    Any advice welcome please.

    +1 to the people who suggest increasing daily calories slowly - 100-150 extra per day, wait a week or so (don't panic if you see a little water weight come on at some point, just go slowly). After a week or two, if you haven't gained (other than maybe that 1-2 pounds of water weight at some point), then add another increment. Keep doing that until your weight stabilizes. If it starts to creep up, cut back 50-100 daily, and wait/monitor again.

    To get the extra calories, replace some low-fat products with full fat, eat a little peanut butter or a handful of nuts, have some avocado, eat some whole-grain or vegetable carbs if you like them - something healthy and calorie dense. Or keep your daily calories a little lower, and have an indulge-y meal once a week or so (track the calories).

    Set a maintenance range of weight - say, your goal weight plus or minus 2, 3, or 5 pounds - some range that encompasses the normal daily weight fluctuations for you. If you go above the high limit for several days in a row, cut calories a little again. If you drop below the low limit for a while, add calories.

    I'm a little older (60) & lighter (120) than you, and am maintaining above 1900 net calories, so that doesn't sound too crazy to me. Everybody's a little different, and may not match the calculator estimates exactly, but if you use that gradual process folks have recommended, you'll find your right calorie niche.

    And you won't gain a whole big bunch overnight - just not possible unless you start eating a lot more, reduce your activity level significantly, or develop a medical condition. If you start to gain, you'll see it creep up slowly, and the maintenance weight range idea will give you time to adjust.

    You can do this!
  • JoeCWV
    JoeCWV Posts: 213 Member
    Good advice so far. You mentioned eating 3 times a day. If you prefer to eat more often that's OK. Maybe three meals and a couple snacks along the way? Just take your time and it will all work out. Since no one else mentioned it. Pick a weight range not a specific weight. I have a five pound range. If I go under 190 I up things a bit. Over 195 I get more careful with portions and such. In between I just keep on keeping on and it all works out.
  • _piaffe
    _piaffe Posts: 163 Member
    Is that 1200 in total (ie eating back 0 exercise calories) or 1200 net?
  • wendypark811
    wendypark811 Posts: 65 Member
    My 1200 is what mfp says to eat, then adds my steps which takes to approx 1400. I do not count my exercise at the gym.

    I have added 100 cals extra this week and will keep an eye on my weight. Slow increase it is.
    Thanks again for all you helpful advice. This keep fit can be a mindfield at timed.

  • LivingtheLeanDream
    LivingtheLeanDream Posts: 13,342 Member
    You've got so used to eating little that you only think you can't eat more. Listen to your trainer, up your calories slowly but do aim to reach 1900 in the next few weeks. Your body will thank you for it - think about fuelling it now for better performance :smile:
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    My 1200 is what mfp says to eat, then adds my steps which takes to approx 1400. I do not count my exercise at the gym.

    I have added 100 cals extra this week and will keep an eye on my weight. Slow increase it is.
    Thanks again for all you helpful advice. This keep fit can be a mindfield at timed.


    if you gain it will be water and actual food weight... not fat. PLEASE do not stop increasing your cals even if you gain a pound or 2.