The last 10 lbs... and cellulite??

Hey all,
I've been working for about 3 years to drop 30 pounds. So far I'm down 20, and am trying my very hardest to kick these last 10. However, despite the fact that I'm doing 40-60 minutes of cardio 5x a week and using the calorie counter and coming in under my daily goal every day, the scale hasn't budged since mid-May. I have lost about an inch on my waist and an inch on my hips, but that's all. I'm getting very frustrated. Hints?
I also have a lot of cellulite on the backs of my thighs, and can't seem to get rid of it or diminish its appearance. I'm only 21, and am extremely unhappy about the fact that mine is so much more noticeable than my peers. I recently started incorporating Winsor Pilates ab scultping 20 minute workout and the bun and thigh sculpting workout into my routine, and I'm shooting for 3x a week on that. Any experience with those workouts in reducing cellulite?


  • mumtoonegirl
    mumtoonegirl Posts: 586 Member
    have you considered doing a full flip on your excerise? If you are doing all cardio maybe introduce strength training. That was when I really saw my body transform when I did that switch. I do both now but for a good 9 months I shifted to strength training and changed my figure.