Womp womp womp... this was not a good week.

I'm ending today almost 1900 calories over my daily recommendation and I'm ending the week almost 3200 over my weekly goal.

Not great!

I'm trying to keep in mind the fact that I'm at a 7000 calorie deficit, so even though I'm over by 3200, that still leaves me with enough of a deficit to lose at least 1lb. And I'm not going to let it push me off track for next week, which is the main thing for me!

Also, I'm trying to appreciate that it could've been a LOT worse. For dinner I had lamb kofte and salad in pitta bread with two battered sausages whereas a couple of months ago I would've had a much fattier, greasier, larger kebab with large chips and a battered sausage. And while I still ate two individual serving size tubs of ice cream, 6 chocolate biscuits, 80g blueberry & acai dark chocolate and 60g chewy sweets, I managed to catch myself in time so that I didn't also scoff the large bar of caramel filled chocolate as well. If this had been a couple of months ago I could've eaten a whole pint of ice cream, the whole packet of chocolate biscuits, the sweets AND all the chocolate. Not all at once, but through the day. And then I would've hated myself for it. Or worse - not even thought about it!

But I'm still not thrilled with myself. I should've done better. I know I have the will power to resist these binge urges most of the time, so it was just laziness on my part to let myself give in this evening.

I realise no one gives a toss about the exact details of what I ate or used to eat, but I feel like it will help me hold myself accountable if I'm putting it out there for others to read. I can't just pretend it didn't happen now!

Tomorrow's the start of a new week and I'll be sure to make it work for me this time.


  • mayclayem3
    mayclayem3 Posts: 4 Member
    I had a bad last 2 weeks and I'm determined to get back on track tomorrow! You can do this!! Keep it up