Hello MPF (:

Exercising videos, hot bods, youtube channels, Facebook quotes, transformation stories...sigh!
I just had to say, 'you are not going to look like that...until you do something about it'.
Today I take oath to start living healthy. I challenge myself to eat healthy and stop abusing my body.
My aim is not to look skinny but look fit and feel good. I've realised it's never to late to start and there's nothing called a dream body, unless you only want to lay there dreaming.
It's never too late because today is another chance to get it right (:


  • zoeysasha37
    zoeysasha37 Posts: 7,088 Member
  • Sk2PPer
    Sk2PPer Posts: 4 Member
    I used to be a super fitness nut but put on some weight in the last year or two and am looking to get back in shape. I'm new here so still getting used to the app lol looking to drop 50lbs and buff up lol
  • williammuney
    williammuney Posts: 2,895 Member
    Oh hi there!
  • Mike_take2
    Mike_take2 Posts: 2,150 Member
    Welcome! Love your post and totally agree with you! I began with the thought of I have to change and live healthy. Not knowing anything except common sense...don't overeat, choose grilled instead of fried, etc. This was the start of my journey and what got me into learning all I could about nutrition and became involved in fitness and continuing to challenge myself. It was never about looking good for me, but rather living good!
  • navdeeprana
    navdeeprana Posts: 473 Member
    Well said...stay strong !!