Life got in my way.. HELP

I haven't been around in a while. Life has handed me anxiety, and both a panic and depression disorder. While I was trying to heal myself mentally and emotionally, I let my body fall to the wayside. I have gained back all of the weight that I was so happy to lose and its harder than ever to get motivated again. I'm finally feeling better and just need some positive people to help me get myself back in the saddle. I'm hoping to lose the 20 pounds that I've lost in the past and then continue on living a healthy happy life.


  • saramichelle89
    saramichelle89 Posts: 65 Member
    Hey Catie! Feel free to add me. I would love to hear how you are getting back into the swing of things as well as offer any support I can! :-) Good luck!!
  • gothchiq
    gothchiq Posts: 4,590 Member
    20 is a challenge but it's not all that bad. :) work out at home if going to the gym brings too much anxiety. Lots of workouts are free on Youtube.
  • kjplot921
    kjplot921 Posts: 2 Member
    Tell yourself that you've done it before and WILL do it again!! I've personally struggled with anxiety and depression for a really long time myself, it's constant work to stay positive and not give into it, but surrounding myself with positive people has helped tremendously, especially when it comes to bouncing back! I know you mentioned you're looking for positive people, so feel free to add me. :)