New to app

New to the app droppin some lb's getting in better shape figured id give this a try and lay off the beer and chicken wings for a bit


  • lisahebert186
    lisahebert186 Posts: 736 Member
    Welcome. But beer and chicken wings are sooo good. Lol. Good luck to you.
  • ErikaHope203
    ErikaHope203 Posts: 113 Member
    Welcome ! And yes, beer and wings are delicious...and ok to have once in a while :)
  • derrickmcneal
    derrickmcneal Posts: 2 Member
    Yep kickin up the running and h20, how does everyone like this app? Pretty on point or what? I do like the scan bar for stuff not sure how acurate it is with my workouts though
  • kimlevine427
    kimlevine427 Posts: 1 Member
    Beer and wings are a perfect combo!
    Love the scan bar!!! I find workouts hard to get accurate results so I use more of a guideline!
  • jesusarolon
    jesusarolon Posts: 208 Member
    It's not very accurate with the workouts.
  • elsadean
    elsadean Posts: 8 Member
    Love the food log and bar code function! I don't use the exercise bit but rely on either Fitbit or apple watch for that. Keep it up
  • jillianmarie20
    jillianmarie20 Posts: 36 Member
    The exercise tool seems to be a little bit more optimistic than what I see on the machines at the is pretty accurate though. I'm back after a few months of being lazy tho so not sure if things are new.. Welcome :)