
I don't actually know anyone here, so it's easier to admit this. Does anyone else find it easier to exercise while intoxicated? I try not to drink much... mostly it's because there's SO much I like to do and a lot of it involves going places, aka driving, so I stay 100% sober for that. And I'm a teacher. So most days no drinking at all. But tonight I don't have an activity or a meeting so I let my husband drive while we ran errands and then I went for a nice long walk and... I just don't notice the discomfort as much. Like... I observe that it's hot, and humid, and I'm sweaty, and I'm breathing hard... but it isn't as uncomfortable or as unpleasant, somehow. I'm excited about how much I'm doing. I did an extra hill-lap at the park. My heart feels lighter. (Heck, my FEET feel lighter.)

I wouldn't want to drink myself into a stupor, because that would be (a) unproductive and (b) expensive (I'm SO cheap, y'all), but... it *seems* to help. Is this bad somehow? I'm about to do some stretching, and then some weight-lifting, and then a bit more stretching. But physical activity is just SO much less unpleasant when I'm significantly not sober. I'm having to backspace more than usual. I was more careful walking home from the park after sunset, because there are no FREAKING sidewalks in my neighborhood (what the hell is up with that?!) and safety is important. I am gonna drink some water because water is good for you and alcohol can lead to dehydration.

I just... I don't know what to think.

Also there might be some solo karaoke later ^.^


  • vespiquenn
    vespiquenn Posts: 1,455 Member
    edited August 2016
    .. I wouldn't weight lift while tipsy. That's just asking for an accident or injury. Walking is one thing; the worst you can do is trip. But lifting under the influence is just asking for trouble.

    With that being said, can't say that I ever have. Then again, I only drink out at bars, so my workout for the day is already done. Working out hung over is a whole other issue.
  • clicketykeys
    clicketykeys Posts: 6,568 Member
    By "lifting" I mean dumbbells. Like... 8 lbs for curls. So as long as I pay attention to my body I think I'll be safe. I can still feel when my muscles get tired and trembly.