Hi, I feel silly...

asking for friends, but I have really enjoyed reading the different posts here on MFP, I find myself mostly in the Success stories because they are so motivational! I am looking for more friends similar to me, or who have been where I am. I am 5'4. Started (my most recent attempt at weight loss) at 230 (my highest was 245). I was down to 223 this morning. I have a great friend here at home who is being supportive, but she is in a much different situation than me, she also bakes a lot...and it makes me hungry! LOL
Anyway, would love more friends, don't have to be my same size, but would love people to help push me to workout and eat right. I'm trying to find what I love. I've been riding my bike when my husband is home, attempting some zumba youtube videos, and some kettlebell workouts. I want to lose, as well as build muscle!


  • memartinmsw
    Hello! I'm new here and feel the same way. I 'lurked' in the different community threads for a while before finally posting. I do think that building a community is the key to our success. I've never actually put myself in a position of accountability - just quietly slip in and out of 'trying', and no one notices (well, at least they haven't voiced what they've noticed!). I'm in Week 3 and can feel a difference but haven't never been completely honest with myself until now (about how much I weigh) so I'm hoping that makes the difference...usually I get discouraged and quit. What motivates you to keep going?
  • Melina48
    Melina48 Posts: 7
    Hello to you too lady Watson!

    The blogs and success threads are also my faves :) I'm happy to be your pal on here! I think I'm in a slightly different situation but still just starting (oops... re-starting for like the 10th time) this healthy-me-focus. :) I keep calling it my "learning opportunities" when I start and stop my healthy routine after 3 weeks, but let's face it, I get lazy haha! So I'm actually "committing" to it this time :)

  • lswatson111304
    lswatson111304 Posts: 80 Member
    Hi! Thank you, right now the success stories are keeping me motivated. Seeing so many people succeed at this even though it is HARD, is awesome. I of course want to be healthy to be able to play with my children, go on vacation, or whatever without feeling horrible after walking for a while. I want to get off my blood pressure meds, and hopfully get my PCOS regulated. Lots of stuff. I am tired of the "I think I maybe kinda want to get fit...naaahhh I'll stay fat I love food" mentality. I do love food, but I do know that I have fun making healthy meals for myself as well. I slipped today and ate crap and now I feel bad and well, its almost midnight. Not so much I can do to reverse that, but I can keep moving forward tomorrow!
    Better go to bed now, but tomorrow will be a better day, and I won't eat those cookies! LOL
  • Mcgrawhaha
    Mcgrawhaha Posts: 1,596 Member
    these message boards are awesome, just remember you have hundreds of people, with their own opinions, very few qualified, yet many successful! you will be told this way is right and that way is wrong and vise versa! my advise to you is find what works for YOU, and go with it! set goals, not easy ones either, challenge yourself! challenge yourself with diet and exercise... you can definitely reach your goals with some hard work and dedication!