Wedding Motivation Group

Hey all,
I'm getting married in December and I have let so many excuses get in my way to losing or even maintaining a decent weight. It has slowly crept up and up and up, until I'm now the heaviest I've ever been. Time to get serious as I'm running out of time before my big day. Don't get me wrong, I'm not just doing it for the big day, I need to start putting my health and well being at the forefront of my mind, the wedding just happens to be one helluva motivator. Or so I thought it would. If I'm going to spend one day in the most expensive dress I'll ever own I want to look fab!

I'm looking for some peeps in a similar situation to motivate each other, do a weekly weigh in share (Friday morning?) and perhaps have a bit of a whinge about how expensive everything is with the word 'wedding' attached.

So, me.
Age - 29
SW - 71kg
MGW - 65kg
GW - 60kg

How are you going? Any tips for staying motivated?


  • ejcurtis
    ejcurtis Posts: 9 Member
    No one??? Crumbs.
  • RhiannonBecks
    RhiannonBecks Posts: 189 Member
    I just got married in july and always went here

    There are lots of different topics and subjects, all relating to wedding/wedding planning! :)

    Good luck, check it out if you get a chance.
  • vkr2q7
    vkr2q7 Posts: 68 Member
    Yes! I'm getting married in June of next year and right now 10 months seems like enough time to get to a healthy weight but I know I'll let the months slip away if I don't start now!!
    SW- 236lbs
    CW- 229
    GW- 165

    My first dress fitting is in November and I'm freaking out!
  • ejcurtis
    ejcurtis Posts: 9 Member
    Thanks Rhiannon, i will check it out!

    Ah,you've Def got the right idea starting early. I had every intention to and then bad it seems to have stuck up and it's right around the corner. I have been hosting an teacher from overseas and having lots of dinners out which I find the hardest to manage! What are your challenges?
  • jmpaterno
    jmpaterno Posts: 47 Member
    Yes! I'm getting married in October 2017! I started losing weight a few months before we got engaged, but I still have a long way to go. My fiance started doing Keto a while back, and now I'm doing that along with calorie counting after a few months of goofing off (and gaining back six pounds...)

    We're doing engagement photos at the end of October, and I'd love to have made some progress by then!

    GW-130 (probably)
  • vkr2q7
    vkr2q7 Posts: 68 Member
    Eating out is definitely a big challenge for me as well! Also sticking to a regular workout schedule since I travel a lot for work.
  • ejcurtis
    ejcurtis Posts: 9 Member
    What's Keto? Sorry, probably a stupid question! But I've never heard of it. October gives you loads of time, not only to reach your goals but to consolidate them into good permanent habits. I wish I had that foresight!

    Regular exercise is something I also struggle with but I don't really have an excuse! I drive about an hour each way to and from work so I leave early and get home late and I'm generally pooped when I get home. But still, excuses excuses. Something I've really get to get the habit of.

    So. I've decided that Friday is my weigh day and I've lost 0.6kgs since last weigh in - 69.5kg. Which brings me under 70 again. I'm happy but also had the sad realisation that I won't meet my goal by my wedding if I lose at this rate but also not interested any more in crash diets which I gain more than I lost ultimately. Ah well I'll keep plugging away and after next week (school camp) I'm going to up the exercise too.

    Happy Friday everyone!
  • jmpaterno
    jmpaterno Posts: 47 Member
    Keto is a low-carb diet! Some people are really into it (I know there are Keto-specific groups on here), but I just like it because it makes it a lot easier to stay around my calorie goal.

    Congratulations on your loss--every little bit counts! I know what you mean with worrying about meeting the goal before the big day. You'll make plenty of progress by then, though, and I'm always surprised by how much better I feel and think I look after just five or so pounds.

    Hoping to update my weight soon, when I'm no longer all hormonal.

    Happy Friday!
  • ejcurtis
    ejcurtis Posts: 9 Member
    Hey! How is everyone going with their wedding goals?

    I was on school camp Wednesday to Friday and ate waaay too much. The only slight offset was the fact I didn't sit down for three days. But, back to reality now.

    Im picking up my dress on Thursday. Eeep. Scared because I am nowhere near my ideal weight. But it should give me a good dose of reality.

    Signed up for a fun run in a few months as well to motivate me. I better start training!