A Typical Day of Eating



  • fatgiraffe2
    fatgiraffe2 Posts: 73 Member
    Usually something like

    Breakfast: weetabix with a small amount of semi skimmed milk and a cup of tea. At the weekend I'll either have the same, some kind of egg on toast or eat out if we're feeling fancy.

    Lunch: salad with 2 boiled eggs (lettuce, cucumber, pepper, spring onion, celery, beetroot, mushrooms, sweetcorn)

    Dinner: variable, but usually a quarter of a plate of meat or fish, a quarter of carbs or grains, and half a plate of vegetables or salad.

    If I've had no snacks throughout the day I will have a fruit salad and yoghurt for dessert.

    This usually fulfils my goals of 1500 to 1750 calories a day and is resulting in one or two lbs loss each week. I drink around 2 litres of water throughout the day.
  • nickisa28
    nickisa28 Posts: 116 Member
    edited August 2016
    So my average day:

    Breakfast: 2 scrambled eggs with nothing added but cooked in 5g of butter with 2 rashers of bacon (fat cut off) cooked on the george Forman (can't remember calories but I know it's less than 300)

    Lunch: 3 beef skewers. (300cals) These are sometime shop bought but if not the following recipe will make about 6.
    200g of lean minced beef
    One egg
    1 red pepper chopped and diced
    Mix together in a bowl and form into sausage shapes, slide into a skewer. Refrigerate and cook on the george Forman (I love my george!)

    Snacks-small packet of crisps (under 100 cals) and a small chocolate bar (107 cals)

    Dinner-sirloin or fillet steak with 20g of steamed green beans (350-400cals depending on size of steak)

    On workout days I'll probably have a protien shake (187 cals) at some point in the day and some fruit afterwards. My portions may also be slightly bigger and I'll add carbs to my lunch and dinner (fries cooked in my actifry or mash with a little butter) on workout days.

    I workout on average 4 days a week. In 6 weeks I've lost just under 12lbs. Just another 3lbs to go! :)
  • abadvat
    abadvat Posts: 1,241 Member
    Currently on poverty macros:
    Tea and a banana when i wake up
    1st training
    Breakfast - oats and eggs
    Mid day - full fat yoghurt and a fruit
    Lunch - meat usually chicken, some vegetables and either rice or potatoes
    mid afternoon - banana + PB
    2nd training and PWO whey, red berries and 2% milk
    Meat + rice or potatoes, vegetables
    If any proteins left a cottage cheese before going to bed.

    I usually tend to fit my macros but on 2200 calories I need to be rather boring with my choices and ensure I eat things that fill me up and feed my trainings.
  • mummy_3_uk
    mummy_3_uk Posts: 8 Member
    depends. Im just getting back into logging and follow a 12pm/4pm/7pm eating schedule (16/8 fasting and have a snack at around 8pm - dont get hungry or time for early breakfasts!)
    first meal is usually a rice with veg and meat/fish dish. Flavour the rice with soy sauce or stock.
    my 4pm "snack" is usually fruit,yogurt maybe some granola or cereal with yogurt on top.
    last meal is a "proper" meal. Like a meaty spaghetti dish or meat and potatoes to fill me up.I get more hungry around this time as Im more active from 3-7pm with school runs and childcare so need to fill up for the night! Anyone can add me by the way x
    My goal is 1800cals currently, aiming for 1lb a week loss and do three 30min workouts a week plus walking for school runs and food shopping
  • SuzySunshine99
    SuzySunshine99 Posts: 2,987 Member
    Vegplotter wrote: »
    Lovely to read everyone's meals.
    I started really low (700cals) for 9 weeks, till I'd lost half my target weight. (14kg)
    Milk shake 200ml milk, fruit, 10grolled oats
    1 multi-vitamin (half the dose)
    4oz lean protein with salad or veg. A wholemeal crispbread sometimes.
    Big soup (any kind) 300ml
    Crispbread sometimes
    2oz Greek yogurt
    35g fruit or tsp homemade strawberry jam

    Snacks: loads of water, black tea, 2 pieces 85% organic dark chocolate.
    No slimming products, no low fat dairy - everything 'real', fresh, organic if poss.
    I never felt hungry, grumpy or tired.
    Exercise: 10,000 steps per day walking, plus housework, shopping, gardening.
    I lost 14 kg (that's 30lbs) in 9 weeks.
    Now I'm increasing calorie intake gradually. (I have a theory that metabolism and calorie intake needs to increase as you get closer to your target weight. I'm Currently on 1200cals which means more protein, wholemeal carbs, and veg.
    I'm female, 5'7".
    I've been out to dinner once all this time, drank 3 glasses of wine, and had a few working sandwich lunches. I weigh everything, I don't cheat.

    700 calories a day for 9 weeks is extremely unhealthy and dangerous unless you are under a doctors supervision. Please don't recommend this for anyone.
  • Shana67
    Shana67 Posts: 680 Member
    I drink LaCroix Sparkling Water in all different flavors during the entire day. Really curbs my appetite! :)

    5a: Wake up, Coffee w/1T flavored creamer.

    5:30 - 6:30: Workout - always cardio followed by weights

    7:30a: Coffee w/2T cream, 1 packet of (real!) sugar

    1:00p: Lunch, which is typically a Lean Cuisine or Amy's Light & Lean meal.

    4:30: I'm home now, and have 28g of Trader Joe's white cheddar corn puffs, and a LaCroix sparkling water.

    6:30: Dinner. Always 4z of protein of some type, and lots of vegetables. That can look like steamed veggies, or most frequently it is a huge salad of veggies and grilled chicken. I measure my salad dressing religiously, and always add a bit of cheese (28g) and something crunchy, like tortilla strips (14g). Every now and then I'll have spaghetti (always measured/weighed) and meat sauce. Mostly just protein & veggies, however.

    7:30: My one indulgence of the day, a 3z vodka/soda cocktail. If I have enough calories left in my day (I usually do), I'll have more puffs or some light white cheddar popcorn (again, always weighed out!)
  • RandiNoelle
    RandiNoelle Posts: 374 Member
    Breakfast (300 - 350 calories): 2 eggs, English muffin or yogurt/oatmeal/cream of wheat with PB2 powder and brown sugar or cereal with soymilk and toast with PB

    Morning Snack (50 - 150 calories): Graham cracker sheet with PB or Baby Bell cheese or Light and Fit yogurt

    Lunch (300 - 400 calories): wrap with some protein (tuna or lunch meat), spinach (or some other veggies), and a Laughing Cow wedge with veggies or chips or cottage cheese, tuna, and veggies all in separate containers or a big salad with poppyseed dressing

    Afternoon Snack (100 calories): Light and Fit yogurt or Smart Pop Kettle popcorn

    Supper (350 - 400 calories): marinated chicken breast (the flavors vary from Asian, Mexican, BBQ), a medium sweet potato, cottage cheese or a stir-fry with lots of veggies and some protein or stuffed bell pepper (the style varies from Mexican to Italian to a cheeseburger-type stuffing)

    If I have calories left over, I'll have a couple Ghirardelli chocolate squares (120 - 140 calories) or single serve ice cream cup with some PB (160 calories) or an Outshine fruit bar (60 - 80 calories)
  • AigreDoux
    AigreDoux Posts: 594 Member
    Breakfast: coffee, 2% plain greek yogurt, berries. some original kashi mixed in yogurt if I feel like it.
    Lunch: couple of options:
    1) leftovers from night before +/- salad or leftover veg
    2) chicken burgers with vegetable (broccoli, asparagus, green beans) and shiritaki noodles and sauce
    3) tuna with a bit of mayo, avocado, and lemon with a few triscuits
    4) shrimp with soy sauce, wasabi, a tsp of spicy mayo, cucumber, avocado and seaweed snacks (a.k.a. sushi in a bowl)
    Dinner: many different options
    1) salmon with rice and veg
    2) white fish (flouder or cod usually) with potato and veg
    3) any number of asian stir fry kind of dishes with either ground turkey or white or dark meat chicken or shrimp served over rice with veg
    Occasionally pasta or a noodle dish.
    Usually some fruit for dessert
  • dunlol
    dunlol Posts: 57 Member
    Protein shake and 200g potato post fasted-workout: shaker cup and microwave potatoes to eat after gym in car

    Chicken, broccoli, zuccini, carrots, eggplant, and potatoes for lunch: pan sear chicken breast microwave eggplant and potato, add eggplant, carrot, zuccini to food processor (lemon juice, garlic, salt optional) and shred, don't blend. Eat potato whole or cut with salt/pepper - KEEP skin
    Eat broccoli raw

    Broccoli, spinach, and garlic in 3-4 egg omelette , greek yogurt, and some legume for dinner
    I keep broccoli raw here too, legume can be black beans, moong beans, kidney beans, shelling beans etc

    2200 is very low cal for me so
    3-4 times a week 2-3 cups of ice cream. Or Froyo/more indulgent sundae depending on how much energy I need.

    I adjust cals by adding in coconut oil for fats, changing amount of potato for carbs, and chicken breast/greek yogurt for protein. Add ons like fruit or subbing veggies is HIGHLY IMPORTANT to staying sane.

    Also, if you're working out hard enough, don't worry if you eat too much ice cream one night or have to drop your diet to eat out with friends. Just use the extra energy for work and/or gym

    I've been losing 1-2 lb per week at 2200 kcals @ 155 currently, train 45 min - 1 hr each day.
  • sweetilemon
    sweetilemon Posts: 122 Member
    I added you so you can see my diary :smile: is yours open? My food varies but typically

    Breakfast : Banana and yoghurt
    Lunch : soup and Sandwich/baked potato/salad
    Dinner : chilli/curry/pasta/wraps
    Snacks: olives/oatcake and cheese spread
    At the weekend I sometimes have wine.
  • saragd012
    saragd012 Posts: 693 Member
    edited August 2016
    I'm currently in maintenance so my calories are a bit higher, but the schedule hasnt really changed, these are NOT specific times, just a rough estimate of when I generally eat, if I'm not hungry I skip snacks.

    6:00 45 min bootcamp class or run
    7:00 Protein shake/bar after morning workout
    9:00 greek yogurt
    11:30 lunch (leftovers, generally 350-400 calories and minimum of 15g protein)
    30 minute walk after lunch
    3:00 "fun sized" candy and nuts/roasted chickpeas
    6:00 Dinner (At least 2 servings of vegetables, min 25g protein, usually involving cheese, beans, grains and/or eggs)
    8:30 Protein bar (or ice cream if my macros looks good)
  • ChelzFit
    ChelzFit Posts: 292 Member
    I'm at maintenance usually burning an estimate of 2,200-2,300 a day
    8:00-oatmeal mixed with berries, protein powder, flax meal and yogurt (450)
    10:00 (post workout usually) Quest bar or some other protein bar with 4oz banana (300ish)
    12:00-4oz protein on large salad with wrap and 2oz avocado and fruit (450ish)
    3:00-protein bar and homemade nutbutter engery ball (300)
    6:00-4-5oz protein with huge plate of green beans & broccoli, either a piece of toast or flat bread with pb2 or tbsp. of butter (450-500)
    late night snack-1/2 cup cereal, yogurt and energy ball (250)

    I am a creature of habit, so sometimes I eat the same thing for weeks! Weekends I am more loose, order salads to go, I have a few glasses of wine or even go out to dinner/lunch. If I am in low in energy I usually add some more carbs to my dinner and that seems to do the trick.
  • afatpersonwholikesfood
    Open diary. I eat a lot of produce, nuts, Greek yogurt, and chicken. Pork, tuna, and eggs are other proteins. Not a lot of beef. Not as many grains as the food pyramid suggests. Not a lot of boxed stuff - i.e. I don't really buy a lot of crackers or Fiber One bars or pretzels/chips.

    Today -

    B: iced coffee with Splenda and half & half

    Brunch: spinach, ricotta, onion egg white frittata & slice whole wheat bread with a healthier margarine & fruit topped with plain Greek yogurt sweetened with Splenda and half a fast food granola pack on top (fancier than usual, day off)

    L/big snack: 2 servings mixed nuts, big peach

    D: boneless skinless chicken thighs cooked according to a recipe, kinda like stroganoff & frozen broccoli with cheese sauce & a potato with healthier margarine and light sour cream

    "dessert": more iced coffee

    Snack later: probably a big serving of fruit with ? dunno yet.

    Already hit protein and fat. Under 40% carbs atm. Usually eat 40-45% carbs.

    I also have takeout/fast food days. I have salad for lunch pretty often and as a dinner side, too. Prewashed mixes plus whatever I have on hand with light dressings.

    I eat 1,600 - 2,400 calories depending on Fitbit adjustments.

    Skinnytaste.com is a great place for dinner ideas.
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,180 Member
    No breakfast
    10 am snack - cheese & crackers
    12 noon snack - banana
    1:30 pm lunch - chicken, rice or noodles, steamed veggies
    3:00 pm snack - yogurt
    4:30 pm snack - apple
    6 pm snack - cottage cheese, raw veggies, whole wheat crackers
    7:30 pm dinner - steamed veggies & ... whatever else my husband makes
    9:30 pm snack - yogurt
    11 pm snack - toast with nutella & honey
    12:30 am snack - McVities digestive biscuit with chocolate coating

    Whether I eat large meals or not, I get ravenously hungry about 1.5 hours later. I can pack away a massive dinner, and be prowling around the kitchen 1.5 hours later. Therefore, I feel so much more comfortable if I just keep the food coming on a regular basis ... but keep everything on the small side.

    I am also active ... in fact, rarely does a day go by when I'm not active.

    So it's a combination of eating a reasonable amount of calories ... and keeping active.
  • BananaBite
    BananaBite Posts: 135 Member
    edited August 2016
    When I follow a regular day I usually eat:

    Breakfast: Banana, large apple, 2 clementines with Coffee and Creamer
    Lunch: Salad with vegetables, sandwich with vegetables, basically anything with vegetables
    Dinner: Anything in proportion (Example: don't overeat the macaroni)

    I eat anywhere from 1200-1500 calories. I try to stay at about 1300 calories most days. I am petite at only about 5'0 and a half. I also don't have a lot of weight to lose so my diet is not as restricting as some others.

    I try to fill at least 2 meals with fruits and vegetables and by dinner I can eat whatever at long as I don't go overboard. Usually I drink water all day, even in the morning after coffee. I have a hard time eating meat regularly, other than chicken, so I often will eat macaroni or sandwiches on regular days. I try not to snack other than a cookie every day here and there.
  • wagnerpe123
    wagnerpe123 Posts: 65 Member
    edited August 2016
    Breakfast - Good Food Made Simpleturkey sausage breakfast bowl (225 cal), an apple and three cups of coffee with a packet of Stevia in each.
    Lunch - one chicken sausage (this usually, berries, string cheese
    Dinner - varies; but usually 4oz meat or 2 or 3 eggs and vegetables.
    Snacks - usually one or two of these, once or twice each day - some combo of string cheese; baby carrots, raw broccoli, whole fruit or single serving of yogurt.

    It definitely puts me under my calorie goals, but I bank of my deficit and have a free day each Saturday!
  • healthy491
    healthy491 Posts: 384 Member
    Breakfast : 6 chocolate rice crackers and special K mjni breaks ( 1 packet )
    At work I munch on biscuits or pop corn or sweets
    For lunch , I have a wrap with gammon or eggs
    I usually have another snack like 30g of chocolate weetabix and for Dinner its usually a toast with veggies on the side or pasta
    Dessert : mini ice cream cone

    I know , this is not healthy but I dont eat a lot so I actually still would have about 700cal left at the end of the day ( according to fitbit)
    On the weekends , its usually burgers , pizza etc

    Im on maintenance tho .
  • ClareMillsRoberts
    ClareMillsRoberts Posts: 28 Member
    Breakfast: week days - no added sugar muesli with low fat natural yogurt and fruit (usually blueberries or a sliced apple). Tea with semi skimmed milk.
    Brunch: weekends - one piece of wholemeal toast, poached egg, mushrooms/tomatoes, sometimes a Quorn (veggie meat substitute) sausage.
    Lunch: week days - small portion of leftovers or a salad with beans/tuna or cottage cheese on baked potato or with rye crackers or hummus with rice cakes and carror/cucumber/pepper crudites.
    Dinner - Stew or curry with vegetables and pulses or a veggie chilli or pasta or an omelette with salad or stuffed peppers
    Snacks - rice cakes with peanut butter, fruit.
    Drinks - tea or coffee mid afternoon with semi skimmed milk, diet tonic water or alcohol free beer in the evenings. Wine 3 x per week.
  • oolou
    oolou Posts: 765 Member
    Typical day

    Around 2pm - porridge (rolled oats, semi skimmed milk and water)
    Around 5pm - eggs scrambled in microwave + baked beans, followed by an apple
    Around 8pm - grilled chicken thighs (no skin), mashed potato, baked beans, runner beans, carrots, brocoli, followed by banana, greek yoghurt and a sprinkling of all bran

    Depending on the portions can be between 1350 and 1500 cals. I'll often have a snack that adds a couple hundred more, especially if its been an early start to the day. Everything is weighed so the cals are tracked properly.

    Two days a week I fast on 500 cals. My goal is to try and eat a daily average that comes out at around 1300 cals. According to my trend graph I'm losing around 6 pounds a month.
  • debrag12
    debrag12 Posts: 1,071 Member
    Work days:

    Brunch (10 or 11am) - salad with dressing and mackeral (400 calories)
    Lunch (3 or 4pm) - veg and chicken + soya sauce (500 calories)
    Dinner (after 8pm) - ready meal + slice of bread or chicken + rice (something quick) (600 calories)

    I aim for loads of protein for breakfast & lunch to keep me going for 12.5hrs.

    None work days:

    Brunch - cheese on toast (if OH is home to make it) or chicken + refired bean wraps + or salad or soup or beans on toast
    Dinner - stir fry or sausage pasta or rice dish or jacket potato