Garmin Swim Watch

Anyone else use one of these? I've had mine for coming on a month now. Things started out just fine but seem to have gone haywire the last couple of swims. I was steady at a particular pace, SWOLF, and distance the first dozen times out. My last two outings though, the watch is telling me that I've increased my pace by 50s, my SWOLF has dropped 16 points and I'm swimming easily half again as far as I did when I was just getting started. Now, it would be fantastic if I could actually pick up my pace from 3mins/100m down to 2:11/100m and go from swimming 1000m to 1700m in a session but somehow I doubt it.
I'm considering returning or exchanging the watch. It's supposed to be the among the best swimming only tracker out there and I'm not really interested in a full on fitness tracker like a fitbit etc. as they get prohibitively expensive if you want waterproof. I'm also a bit of a Luddite so simpler is better for me. Before I make a trip down to MEC, has anyone had similar issues or know of a simple or obvious solution I'm missing here?