New here, big challenge ahead. Help & friends welcomed

Hi all, so for the past 5 years I've pretty much gained a stone a year. I'm now 15.2 and I'm really feeling it to the point where I have to sort this out. My goal is 9.10. The top of the recommended weight for my small 5.2 frame. Really would love some support and vice versa. Really want to do this now. Cheers Nat.


  • Wizeman22
    Wizeman22 Posts: 552 Member
    Add me. I got you!
  • catherinewalsh779
    catherinewalsh779 Posts: 2 Member
    edited August 2016
    hi Nat, I found going for a fitness analysis at the local gym helpful to understand what I need to improve, have a training session planned for me to follow and have a fitness trainer dhow me how to use the machines. So I can work independently. Cath :)
  • Huffy_Puffy
    Huffy_Puffy Posts: 18 Member
    Hey Cath, it's silly but I don't think I'm ready for the gym right now, I'm going to do lots of walking and keep an eye on my calories. It's silly but I feel a bit ashamed I've got this big and I just feel uncomfortable going to the gym at present.