Getting motivated again!!

Not sure why I'm writing this. I guess I'm just hoping to find some way to get motivated again. Last year I had lost 40 pounds with still another 10 to go to reach my goal weight. Once I reached the 40 pound mark, I somehow lost all motivation to keep going. I told myself I was going to "take a break" and just maintain for a bit. Now I've gained 12 pounds back and I can't find the motivation to get started. I work full time and have 2 young kids, so finding the time to make grocery lists and shop is really difficult. I love to cook, but even that has been a challenge. When I think about some of the recipes or food I ate before when I lost weight, I'm just not interested. I'm super stressed out most of the time and I find eating makes me feel better momentarily. Does anyone have any tips? Easy food/snack/recipe ideas? I've been finding that I can get motivated for a couple days, then it's gone.