Low Carb Diet?

So I'm contemplating going on a low carb diet because when I eat rice or bread I feel tired... What I want to know is what foods should I eat?? What is good and what isn't in kinda overwhelmed reading what is on the Internet


  • melmawazini766
    melmawazini766 Posts: 2 Member
    Here is what you should eat and what you shouldn't (based on the internet):

    Eat: Meat, fish, eggs, vegetables, fruit, nuts, seeds, high-fat dairy, fats, healthy oils and maybe even some tubers and non-gluten grains.

    Don’t Eat: Sugar, HFCS, wheat, seed oils, trans fats, “diet” and low-fat products and highly processed foods.
  • King_Spicy
    King_Spicy Posts: 821 Member
    edited August 2016
    Lean meats. Fish and chicken are amazing. Sashimi instead of sushi when eating japanese. Rice instead of noodles. 1 slice of whole wheat bread instead of two when making sandwiches.

    I found it hard to get a minimum of 30g of fiber each day doing low carb, so i limited my carbs to mainly fiber one cereal in the morning
  • SueInAz
    SueInAz Posts: 6,592 Member
    Check out the Atkins website. You don't need to follow their plan but they have food lists and recipes that might help you decide.
  • jmarie1025
    jmarie1025 Posts: 114 Member
    Consider joining the low carb group. Tons of helpful info and great people!
  • nvmomketo
    nvmomketo Posts: 12,019 Member
    Highest carb foods are sugars and highly refined carbs (foods made from flours, rice, corn, wheat and starches like tapioca). I would cut baked goods, candy and soda first.

    Processed, pre-prepared meals are often higher in carbs and sugars. I would skip most of those.

    Whole grains and legumes are higher in carbs. Those should be limited or skipped.

    Finally, root veggies and tropical fruits are higher in starches and sugars.

    I am very low carb. I eat a lot of full fat dairy (whipped cream, butter, 14% sourcream, cheese, plain full fat yogurt 9+%), meat, nuts, coconut (oil, flakes and cream), olives (and oil), veggies, and berries.
    King_Spicy wrote: »
    Lean meats. Fish and chicken are amazing. Sashimi instead of sushi when eating japanese. Rice instead of noodles. 1 slice of whole wheat bread instead of two when making sandwiches.

    I found it hard to get a minimum of 30g of fiber each day doing low carb, so i limited my carbs to mainly fiber one cereal in the morning

    Some of this advice might work but it would be baby steps to going low carb. Instead of rice or noodles, just skip them entirely. Skip the bread instead of using one slice.
  • BodyzLanguage
    BodyzLanguage Posts: 200 Member
    Sounds like you're having a gut reaction to those particular foods. Carbs isn't the problem.
  • themakeupbelle
    themakeupbelle Posts: 26 Member
    @BodyzLanguage what do u mean by that?
  • nvmomketo
    nvmomketo Posts: 12,019 Member
    Look into reactive hypoglycemia and see if that fits your situation. I had that issue and cutting carbs fixed it completely.
  • rnnzo
    rnnzo Posts: 17 Member
    Low carb for me was sad. Once you start looking at carbs in a positive light, you never feel guilty about eating them! You need to make sure you're getting you veggies and fruits in as well so you're not feelkng so tired - but if you're eating whole grain carbs like brown rice and whole wheat stuff there's no need to eliminate them from your diet!
  • brichards_
    brichards_ Posts: 113 Member
    I love eating high carb low fat vegan, and it gives me more energy than any other diet
  • PaulaWallaDingDong
    PaulaWallaDingDong Posts: 4,641 Member
    brichards_ wrote: »
    I love eating high carb low fat vegan, and it gives me more energy than any other diet

    Cool story. Doesn't apply to this thread, though.