Loosing weight to have children.

I am 24 and have been over weight my whole life! In January I started really getting serious about my health! I had ended up where I never wanted or thought I would be at 341 pounds! I was in complete shock! I was always the person who never cared about the number! I was ok with me. But for about 3 years me and my husband had been trying to have children not able to conceive, and every time I would try to loose weight I would get so caught up in the number and why I haven't been loosing weight like
I though I should be and in return get discouraged and just quit! Well this time my mind set is a little different! Because its of a serious nature now. So I'm January when I started in about 3 months I had lost 30 pounds and now these last 3 months I have been struggling! My drive and motivation seems to be gone, which is probly part of my depression! My dr is giving me until janurary to loose more weight and to get pregnant! But I just don't see if happening! I would really like to find people who can encourage me and motivate me to get back on track and stay on track.


  • kaustin515
    kaustin515 Posts: 18 Member
    Hi Katie! I have a similar story to yours. My husband and I have been together for a little over 12 years and for 8 of those we tried unsuccessfully to conceive a child. Like you my weight was a huge issue and I was diagnosed with PCOS. I tried what I was willing to which was losing weight (I joined Weight Watchers at least 3 times) and took metformin and still no baby. Finally at the age of 32 I conceived and delivered a healthy baby boy. I was still over weight and after having him I weighed 10lbs more than I ever have. I have now been able to lose 30lbs with the help of MFP. I guess I just finally found motivation. I felt guilty that wanting to have a child wasn't motivating enough for me to lose weight. You'd think something I wanted to badly would work. And to be honest I can't tell you what's motivating me now except I'm tired. I'm tired of not being who I know I can be. I'm tired of not setting a good example for my overweight nieces who I see making the same excuses for their weight that I did. I'm tired of crying when my DH criticizes me for thinking frozen fish sticks and macaroni and cheese is a good dinner. So I just started slowly and didn't pressure myself. I focused on an amazing quote that I have posted in my office and I read every day. "if you focus on results you will never see change. If you focus on change you will get results." So that's what I do. I try to stay of the scale. I try to limit carbs at dinner because I know that's an issue for me. I exercise. I stopped telling myself I can't. I have always wanted to run so downloaded a couch 2 5k app and went running. I signed up for a 5k so there was no backing out. And I forgive myself when a coworker brings cupcakes in to work and I eat one. I just work around it and eat a salad for dinner and save the spaghetti for the next night. Small changes in lifestyle add up to big results over the long haul. I stopped eating buns on hamburgers and wrap it in lettuce. That saves so many calories. Just little changes. And I measure everything. No more just spooning it onto my plate. I put my scale up and try to focus on how I feel and I feel amazing. It's not easy and it's crazy the discussions that go on in my brain when I go out to eat. I want this but what can I have. I also search online for recipes I love but lightened up. It also helps to plan my day on MFP so I can see where I have wiggle room or just be prepared. And as stupid as it sounds try to relax. We conceived once we'd given up and were looking into adoption. I think decreasing the stress really helped us relax and nature take it's course. I'm sorry I babbled on so much but I know what it's like to feel like you can't have the one thing you want so much. It becomes an obsession and suddenly pregnant women and babies are everywhere! But just plan, forgive yourself and try to relax. We didn't out weight on overnight and it won't come off that way either. I would suggest find the determination to lose weight for YOU and maybe not put so much stress on doing it for the baby. I know it's ridiculous to say when you're going to the doctor and everyone is wanting you to do it for the baby. But for me I didn't stick with it until I decided to do it for me. I'd love to help encourage you along your journey. And trust that things will happen as they are meant to. I didn't plan to have my first child at 32 but I'm glad it happened when and how it did and it will happen for you too. Try to focus on you getting healthy for you and the baby will come :o))